Tori's Bloglet

And I went off and talked to the Placement Office aboug doing somethign interesting this summer. _
03:31:10 PM, Thursday 13 December 2001

One of my pens magically reappeared, and it didn't reappear alone! It reappeared with a dollar! _
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03:30:42 PM, Thursday 13 December 2001

Mr. Datchev didn't even mention in my Don Rag that I haven't handed in my paper yet. Probably cause I'd talked to him about it two days before, and was really apologetic, and he was sweet. And my Seminar tutors mostly said that I should tlak more. _
02:35:41 PM, Thursday 13 December 2001

Hiram made us lovely roasted chestnuts in the fire that Tom Divine struggled for two hours to build (it wasn't his fault it took so long). He almost read us Arabian Nights, and I even went off and got it for him to read, but then he left and it was sad. _
02:45:28 AM, Thursday 13 December 2001

Actually, it's 2. It's going on 3 and I'm exhausted. So I can't seem to type. _
02:42:00 AM, Thursday 13 December 2001

I had brielfy thought that I don't really have a bedtime, I just to to sleepw hen I'm tired. But it seems that I do have a bedtime, it's just 4. _
02:41:10 AM, Thursday 13 December 2001

Once, during our precept, there was a stapler sitting on the table. I looked at it, cause it was there and all, and on the said was written something along the lines of "Property of the State of New Jersey. " What makes this particularly interesting is that my precept takes place in the Faculty Common Room. _
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03:51:24 PM, Wednesday 12 December 2001

I'm going to have tofu from the Chinese restaurant tonight. This makes me happy. Good yummy protein. _
03:34:48 PM, Wednesday 12 December 2001

One of the things that's helping me feel sane is that not only do I think I'm ont doing terribly poorly in any of my classes, but I also don't have this distinvt impressoin that any of my tutors hate me and are going to be ridiculously nasty because they do. _
09:37:18 AM, Wednesday 12 December 2001

I set my alarm every time I have an early morning Don Rag (which has been everyone at this point), and I wake up an hour or so before it's going to go off, look at my clock, go back to sleep (or attempt to go back to sleep; Don Rags always make me nervous and then sleep is hard) and wake up five minutes before my alarm. _
09:35:48 AM, Wednesday 12 December 2001

I think sleeping with my window open is making me sneezy. _
09:25:39 AM, Wednesday 12 December 2001

Protein! I finally ate protein last night and knew I was doing so! Lentils are wonderful! _
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02:22:13 AM, Wednesday 12 December 2001

And the Poulenc managed to sound almost good. The tenors didn't fight amongst themselves too much, and the squeaky sopranos, I don't know, maybe Mary and I just overpowered them. It didn't do things like nails on chalkboards to my head, though, so it was good. _
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02:15:53 AM, Wednesday 12 December 2001

Hayden dragged me around the floor in a polka tonight. We'd started dancing, thinking it was swing, and then realized that it wasn't, and he said "this is a polka, let's polka" and I said "I don't know how" and he said "hop." _
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02:02:27 AM, Wednesday 12 December 2001

It's an odd sort of week. Last night was our precept party, tonight is the whole collegium-christmas party-waltz party (with the return of champagne) thing, tomorrow Sonia has organized a Pinkney Chinese food ordering and then there's the lall night storytllers, Thursday is our last precept (we almost did it on Wendesday, but then someone in our class realized that she's supposed to be working) and then Cassie and I will probably do another one of those champange soirees (which means that this time you guys have to give me money BEFORE we go shopping, okay?) and then on Friday I go off to my dad's in New Jersey. Somewhere in there aer a Don Rag and a precept paper. _
10:18:53 AM, Tuesday 11 December 2001

We watched The Daily Show at Mr. David's. I've missed the Daily Show. Johanna and I watched it every night this summer (which lead, one night, to ordering Monty Python tapes from Time-Life cause it was going on midnight, we were a bit tired, probably covered with ice cream splatters, giddy, and there was Monty Python on the screen going "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" Which wasn't on the tape, but the Parrot was). And he fed us really good Sri Lankan food, which was much like Indian food, and made us eat it with our fingers, which was actually really exciting. And then he fed us those Ferro Rocher things, which someone in our class called Rochefaucolds. (Okay, so I can't spell either.) And it was alovely evening. _
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01:41:47 AM, Tuesday 11 December 2001

I can stand having my hair down (which means that it gets everywhere, especially in my face when I'm studying) when it's cold out. This is probably cause it keeps my neck warm, which is nice in the cold and hell in the heat. _
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05:39:16 PM, Monday 10 December 2001

How does the whole fake snow thing work? Not the mechanics of making it, I know a little tiny bit from the few times I've skied on it, and I think they explained it on Reading Rainbow or something once when I was little. But, like, how cold does it have to be for them to make fake snow and have it be worth skiing on? _
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05:08:00 PM, Monday 10 December 2001

I knew someone who once tried to convince me that you could replace eggs with tofu and it would all be the same. Not like in your diet in general, but in like pancakes or cookies or some such. Probably one of those people who also insisted that spelt is the same as wheat, really, that honey/maple syrup is a viable alternative to sugar in baking, or applesauce, I knew people who sweetened things like that with applesauce (or maybe the applesauce replaced the sugar and the eggs or the sugar and the butter, who knows). Possibly the worst of this lot was replacing chocolate with carob. _
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04:47:58 PM, Monday 10 December 2001

In a conversatio with my dad this afternoon: "So, do you have many finals this week?" (Possibly a slight dramatic pause, but probably not in actuallilty.) "No, we don't do those here." "Oh, right." "Well, we do oral exams for Seminar, but mine was in October or something." _
03:31:47 PM, Monday 10 December 2001

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bloglet script by Moss Collum