--Too Early to Plan--

 I had absolutely no idea that France invaded Mexico during the American Civil War. _
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07:41:31 AM, Thursday 2 December 2010


The most fascinating thing about the iPad is how it's managed to corral all the status-seeking, conspicuously consuming early adopters in one place, which means it's attracting advertisers like flies, so you get things like this, an iPad only magazine.  It's like a luxury version of America Online.  Also? I got to play Angry Birds over Thanksgiving.  It's Scorched Earth for people with no attention span. _
01:51:32 PM, Wednesday 1 December 2010


Wikileaks must be a branding nightmare for Wikipedia. _
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12:28:17 PM, Wednesday 1 December 2010


kittens 2010
all the cats that have resided at our house in the past year. I m contemplating using it as a christmas card. Too weird? _
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07:37:00 PM, Tuesday 30 November 2010


 Two bad news stories for me today: the federal wage freeze will give the young, good federal employees more reason to leave, while having no impact on the dinosaurs.  And any news about the security of federal databases is bad for me.  In particular, I suspect this will create greater pressure to limit access to data to things people 'need to know'.  It's harder than it seems, because it means I need to know what everyone needs to know, and people rarely know what they need to know ahead of time. _
06:27:40 PM, Monday 29 November 2010


Things I learned radio-flipping on the way to and from Michigan:  Kesha's We Are Who We Are is the stupidest song I have ever heard outside Dr. Demento, and Taylor Swift is quite good.  It's nice that being quite good actually still works.    _
01:00:04 PM, Sunday 28 November 2010


 If I give him money, will Jimmy Wales stop looking at me like that?  Or at least make up his mind about whether he wants a beard or not?

I am  considering it, Wikipedia is quite literally one of the best things in human history, and they do neat stuff like posting their budget online, but then I looked at that budget, and they've been running a surplus in recent years, which made me feel less urgent about it. _
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12:47:28 PM, Sunday 28 November 2010


Everyone else should have children so I can play with them.   _
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06:46:06 PM, Friday 26 November 2010


 note for my novel: a monastic cult who, instead of a vow of silence, take a vow of limited vocabulary, and restrict themselves to yes, no, more, uh-oh,  their own names, and crying.   _
12:30:31 AM, Friday 26 November 2010


It's getting harder and harder not to know what a green lantern is, but I'm managing it.   _
02:57:37 PM, Sunday 21 November 2010


 Eating 15 grain bread.  Wondering what the practical upper bound on the number of grains they can put in a bread is.  There's a lot of plants with non-toxic seeds.  At a certain point presumably the quantities would be so minute that you couldn't put them on the label.  (the only one above 2% in this bread is wheat and sunflower seeds, the last 6 are listed after the preservatives)

1: wheat

2: sunflower

3: oats

4: rye

5: barley

6: triticale (wheat x rye hybrid)

7: corn

8: millet

9: flaxseed

10: amaranth

11: rice

12: buckwheat

13: quinoa

14: sorghum

15: spelt (subspecies of wheat)

Update: I can't find any minimum amounts in the FDA requirements. It sounds like you can list any old thing as an ingredient if it appeals to you. _
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02:33:53 PM, Sunday 21 November 2010


Wasabi, the 6 month old kitten we are looking after for a week. What you can't really see is how incredibly skinny she is. She's had various health problems, and infected leg, conjunctivitis, and a cold, so we're serving as a quarantine. _
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01:35:23 PM, Sunday 21 November 2010


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