What would happen if members of congress had their votes weighted by how many many votes they received in the last general election?  That would solve the main injustice of the senate, and make gerrymandering fairly pointless.  It would also add meaning to even 1 candidate elections. _
05:21:04 PM, Monday 8 February 2010


 I get next monday off for President's day!  No actual presidents were born on Feb. 15th, but Susan B. Anthony was, so I'll go with that. _
10:36:37 AM, Monday 8 February 2010


 It's always fun to see how far I can get through the day without knowing who won.  Easier this year! _
respond? (1)
10:16:25 AM, Monday 8 February 2010


grill in winter
During the last snowstorm I decided that I wanted grilled sausages. It may not have been entirely efficient. _
10:09:07 PM, Friday 5 February 2010


 The best explanation I've seen of the Toyota sticky gas pedal.   _
respond? (2)
09:21:10 AM, Friday 5 February 2010


A wallet nest my father made out of wood that's been kicking around the basement longer than I've been alive. I already haven't needed to ransack the house for my wallet several times because of it. _
12:36:12 PM, Thursday 4 February 2010


 Taxes are done! _
12:34:20 PM, Thursday 4 February 2010


 NPR's Here and Now is shameful nonsense.  They just ran a story about Glenn Beck, and introduced it by playing a clip of Father Coughlin.  See, they both have radio programs and political opinions.  If Beck is as that bad, play a clip of him.  Drop the idiotic guilt by association.  I'm pretty sure there's a Coughlin Corollary to Godwin's Law.   _
12:20:58 PM, Thursday 4 February 2010


 Anyone else thinking of going to the Twelfth Night seminar this weekend?  I'd like to see Mr. Tuck again. _
respond? (13)
11:56:42 PM, Wednesday 3 February 2010


Tennessee v. John T. Scopes Trial: Outdoor proceedings on July 20, 1925, showing William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow. [3 of 4 photos]
The Smithsonian has posted a whole series of photos from the Scopes trial. _
02:05:05 PM, Wednesday 3 February 2010


gingerbread leanto
A gingerbread house, of sorts, made over christmas. There is a marzipan pig on the roof, because there always needs to be a marzipan pig. There is a marzipan mortgage tacked to the roof. _
respond? (3)
09:42:52 PM, Tuesday 2 February 2010


 It's clear that the snow lasts longer where it's been walked on, but I'd be hard pressed to supply a theoretical explanation for why.  It's the same mass of frozen water that needs to be warmed.  Maybe because it's packed down, it conducts with the ground better, so it doesn't melt until the ground warms up too? _
respond? (6)
05:25:22 PM, Tuesday 2 February 2010


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