I had no idea my own personal billionaire Baron was having out-of-wedlock children with actresses from the O.C, along with the more traditional family pastimes of spending absurd sums collecting art.  This fits quite well with the purchase of a prominent newswire and all the pointless advertising and rebranding since he took over.  Every time there's an announcement, I hope it's that we've been spun off.

respond? (1)
12:09:25 PM, Tuesday 2 February 2010


The important thing here is the pot to the left. There are allegedly bulbs under there, if the squirrels haven't found them. _
10:13:26 AM, Tuesday 2 February 2010


 Tax preparation fees are deductible?  That's just brazen.   _
11:11:38 PM, Monday 1 February 2010


 "Certain whaling captains may be able to deduct expenses paid in 2009 for Native Alaskan subsistence bowhead whale hunting activities.  See Pub 526. for details." _
11:05:31 PM, Monday 1 February 2010


 Argh.  I just got to the bit about state income tax being deductible.  Time to go to bed before I turn into Ross Perot. _
10:44:45 PM, Monday 1 February 2010


tax deductions make precious little sense. In particular, I'm struggling with the question of whether "The points paid were not more than the than the amount generally charged in that area." _
respond? (3)
09:19:37 PM, Monday 1 February 2010


Hey look, it's my camera! _
respond? (1)
07:00:59 PM, Monday 1 February 2010


 The case that health insurance reform is just pining for the fjords. _
10:02:39 AM, Monday 1 February 2010


 Next weekend a movie about barbershop quartets is playing in Arlington.  I'm sort of tempted.   _
06:03:08 PM, Sunday 31 January 2010


If the points of comparison are Conan the Barbarian, Star Wars or Bollywood, Avatar is a terrific movie.  If the points of comparison are Lawrence of Arabia and Miyazaki, it isn't. It suffered from a sort of intentional failure of imagination which is probably unavoidable in really expensive films.   They didn't want there to be any danger of anyone in the audience of losing the plot or misplacing their sympathy. It stumbled over itself to give people what they want.

05:35:29 PM, Sunday 31 January 2010


My cat is infinitely more alien than anything on Pandora. _
05:33:41 PM, Sunday 31 January 2010


 There should be some sort of filter for the internet where you only see the stuff people write about things they actually know about. Obviously, I'm not opposed to people nattering on about whatever, but it would be nice to be able to filter it out. _
08:53:42 AM, Saturday 30 January 2010


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