If I were organized, there would be a picture of the beach in winter here. _
09:18:39 PM, Saturday 19 December 2009


"Analog people. I know they're boring. Is this any better?" _
02:39:45 PM, Saturday 19 December 2009


Don't listen to this song. Don't do it. The chorus is evil. I've spent half the evening going, "du dudu dudu do you ARGH!" It's too late for Moss, but I thought I'd warn the rest of you. _
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06:37:59 PM, Friday 18 December 2009


A bizarre modal friday 5pm song. _
05:30:27 PM, Friday 18 December 2009


Is there a particular place to start with Captain Beefheart?

04:35:26 PM, Friday 18 December 2009


Southerners are much nosier about my accent than Northerners or Westerners.  Apparently to a resident of Charlotte I sound like Chase's father on House.

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05:17:53 PM, Thursday 17 December 2009


I'm hoping these posts won't completely take over my blog, but, but... retro video game dance music. _
01:28:14 PM, Thursday 17 December 2009


Prose is closing.  Not surprising, but distressing.   _
respond? (2)
01:11:19 PM, Thursday 17 December 2009


I am very much enjoying thesixtyone music exploration thing'um. It's an odd interface, but it works for what I want, and it finds neat things. _
respond? (13)
10:54:01 AM, Thursday 17 December 2009


Happy Voluntary Unemployment Day, Erika!

 (ICQotD: "I thought about posting a link to the Bow Wow Wow song, but I thought it would be a bit much") _
07:52:24 PM, Wednesday 16 December 2009


I am defensive about liking this poem.  But, but, dwargs!  Solutré!  Literal literary critic bashing!  Embarrassingly sentimental universalism!  I think Kipling is an important overlooked influence on fantasy and science fiction.  His goofy, enthusiastic exoticism seems like the central idea of it all, somehow.  Though in a lot of places, that has dried up, somehow, leaving a senseless residue of elves and dwarves that manage to be entirely mundane.  And yes, I'm talking to you, Blizzard

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04:40:23 PM, Wednesday 16 December 2009


L._L._Zamenhof was born 150 years ago yesterday.  I had always known there was such a person, but I had somehow missed the depths of his dorky adorable awesomeness. _
03:23:39 PM, Wednesday 16 December 2009


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