Fawn Lake
Fawn Lake in Bedford, an artificial pond created as part of a 19th century health resort. The waters from the spring that feeds it were used in Hayden's Vibernum Compound. _
07:39:18 PM, Saturday 10 October 2009


The person who used to spray for insects here for the former resident just called.  I really just had absolutely no idea that people did this to their yards.  Another reason to keep the vegetables in pots, I guess.



06:30:04 PM, Saturday 10 October 2009


Looks like bookies were offering 18-1 on Obama winning the Nobel Peace prize.  Not that I'm suggesting anything, mind you.

09:58:47 AM, Friday 9 October 2009


Man, the news is cool today: a retrovirus that may be causing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and a president winning the Nobel peace prize the same day he bombs the moon.  

respond? (6)
09:53:18 AM, Friday 9 October 2009


I'm thinking of writing a SJC style essay on Gibbon and godlessness.  Because I obviously need another project, alongside my job, my half-hearted attempts to became marginally athletic for the first time in my life, my daily game of Go, the theoretically routine chores I never quite get to, the stone wall outside, my abondoned stained glass projects, and the game that I keep meaning to work on.  Hm.   Maybe not.

12:10:10 PM, Thursday 8 October 2009


Badminton players seem better adjusted than Go players. I fear that essentially, I am more of a Go player. The Go club very much gives me the ah, these are my people and I'm not quite sure about that feeling, while at badminton I am tolerated as an benign interloper. _
12:09:32 PM, Thursday 8 October 2009


Has TV comedy got worse, or am I pickier?  I tried to watch 'How I Met Your Mother' yesterday, and it just... missed.  I actually want to blame the Simpsons for the way it missed: it was going for zany, but got it wrong, the way non-good Simpsons does.  It was sort of symbolically irony-drenched while being fundementally cheesy, so failed at both levels.  I haven't watched enough to actually claim that we're in a wave of irritatingly intentional camp, but I'm going to anyway.  Just don't ask me when TV comedy was good.  It's probably just the oldie station effect.  There are lots of good old shows, but at any given time, most of it was rubbish.  

Also, while I'm having a humbug: glasses with temples the height of the frame look unsettlingly like blinders.  I suppose it goes along with the hoof shoes.   

respond? (16)
10:27:52 AM, Tuesday 6 October 2009


Our gas meter seems to be telling me that the house has consumed 1,280,000 cubic feet of natural gas since it was installed.  my back of the envelope calculations say this would be enough to boil 1.67 olympic swimming pools.

03:54:36 PM, Monday 5 October 2009


A spectacularly bad bit of reasoning: Get a second cat so the first one won't be bored, in order to reduce the amount of feline suffering in the world.

respond? (4)
02:36:40 PM, Monday 5 October 2009


Congratulations to Ling for making it to the other end of his formal education! _
02:36:02 PM, Monday 5 October 2009


 Been to Hmart!  Making something with a superficial resemblence to ddukbokki! Why did tofu make it into every grocery store in america, but not rice cakes? The parking lot at Hmart is sure evidence of a total market failure in this area. Other stores had hired guards to keep their parking lots from being inundated. Particularly Market Basket. Market Basket can rot: I'm totally adding them to the list of places I'm boycotting even though I'd only ever been there twice. _
respond? (6)
05:48:11 PM, Saturday 3 October 2009


I am potentially very excited about a Alan Khazei for Senate. Here's a nice endorsement from Harris Wofford. _
12:21:17 PM, Thursday 1 October 2009


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