backlit bluebird
And now, a series of very small blurry pictures of wildlife found in and around Hershey, PA. _
07:46:21 PM, Wednesday 31 December 2009


My entire family is now addicted to Settlers of Catan. _
07:15:35 PM, Wednesday 31 December 2009


Re: the Gaza strip.  I tentatively think that asking whether the Israeli response is proportionate is the wrong question.  The problem is the utter abdication of responsibility of the Israeli government for the people of the occupied territories.  Whether this is the proper tactical way to maintain control and a semblence of order over a  subjagated territory of while trying to minimize the death and tyranny required, this question is above my pay grade.   It's a failure of civilization. _
02:29:00 PM, Wednesday 31 December 2009


There are just as many birds when it snows. _
respond? (1)
12:02:24 PM, Wednesday 31 December 2009


"With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?"  Stanley Fish has a hard life.  _
10:17:13 AM, Tuesday 30 December 2009


Does the BBC interviewing Benjamin Netanyahu constitute bias against Israel? NPR seems to find, well, saner people to talk to. Granted, none of them look like they'll be the next Prime Minister. _
09:54:34 AM, Tuesday 30 December 2009


You lend me $100 dollars.  I tell you I'll give you $200 back, and then go broke.  Have I stolen $100 or $200? _
respond? (5)
04:16:40 PM, Tuesday 23 December 2008


Ringo has blisters on his fingers.  _
02:58:41 PM, Tuesday 23 December 2008


I realized that I view the whole notion of prayer more or less the way I view coffee. I find them all just fundementally unpleasant. So when Erika tells me that Dunkin Donuts coffee is terrible, but the bagel shop is pretty good, it isn't that I don't believe her, or that I can't taste a difference. It's just that the basic bitter horrible coffee aftertaste is always there. I basically just accept that people get something out of coffee, and either can't taste or don't mind what puts me off. I used to get more upset. I used to stare straight at people who asked me to bow my head for grace or a moment of silence or what have you. The very notion that anyone would pray to God, to think they're that important and powerful, is wrong and destructive. Whether they do it in church, by themselves or on TV doesn't change the flavor for me. I can still get upset about it, but I've just decided not to. It's like getting upset about traffic. Hitchens is cute and all, but you don't want to live like that. This leaves me more or less unable to get upset about Rick Warren. I'm afraid it's all coffee to me. _
respond? (4)
10:59:47 AM, Tuesday 23 December 2008


So lets say a middle aged man in Minnesota has signed up for a subscription porn website and given out my email address.   Lets further hypothesize that his phone number is listed, and that a reverse phone lookup shows that he lives with his wife and adult child.  There's no way I can call and let him know that I'm getting his emails, is there?  It's kind of frustrating.  If he were signing up for Everquest or Time or something, I'd call, and it's tempting to say, well, I should treat this the same way, but I'm afraid that might be moderately evil.  


We're now up to 4 people who have tried to use my email address, all in the past 18 months.  I'm tempted to think it's some sort of extremely elaborate spam thing, but they're all real people. _
respond? (4)
11:25:55 PM, Saturday 20 December 2008


12:02:58 PM, Saturday 20 December 2008


cold gulls
They're small, gray and round. I'm pretty sure they're unhappy seagulls. _
11:58:07 AM, Saturday 20 December 2008


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