white fungi, green fungi
A tree at Habitat Audobon Center in Belmont. _
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10:26:46 PM, Sunday 23 March 2008


My stained glass clock is (very nearly) finished! it turns out that hanging it from the mechanism isn't going to work, so I need to add more hooks, so Moss and Julia's basement isn't quite safe yet, but nearly. I realize there's no point photographing stained glass at 10pm under a single CFL, but I needed evidence it exists in case the cat somehow destroys it before daybreak.

The hands are Not Right. _
respond? (5)
10:26:14 PM, Sunday 23 March 2008


My add page seems to have thrown some sort of ugly flash error. It posted all right, but just sat there spinning to itself. _
04:35:04 PM, Sunday 23 March 2008


Reminder to self: Harvard's Gilbert and Sullivan is performing Patience in two weeks. _
04:33:07 PM, Sunday 23 March 2008


We went to see the St. Matthew's Passion in Boston Symphony Hall.  </gloat>  It's enough to make me want to like Christianity.  I got somewhere with the whole Jesus thing, further than I have before, anyway, working from two points:  The counterintuative notion that being silent in the face of injustice is a virtue, and the notion that his other option was to call in the angels with the flaming swords.   It's like there's a theory of the conservation of suffering.  Once someone sins, and creates an suffering, it will keep reverberating around.  Earthly justice just bounces the suffering around, maybe more fairly, but it's still suffering, so it persists until someone silently absorbs it, just or unjust, and this is sad, and those people are worth remembering and celebrating.  

The trouble with this is that it sells the possibility of earthly justice short.   I think there inevitable injustices, the circle of violence and so on, but there are preventable injustices as well, and for those, silence is wrong.   Anyway, easier to get the spirit of the thing musing on the useful aspects of the story, and retreating into metaphor.    Better than getting hung up on Jesus's character flaws if he wasn't divine. 

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04:28:59 PM, Sunday 23 March 2008


I seem to have come out the other side of my diet-inspired monomania with food.   Whatever part of me was sent into a food-gathering panic by the artificial shortages seems to have calmed down.  This is something of a relief, for a while there I felt I was becoming quite shallow. 

09:54:04 PM, Thursday 20 March 2008


It suddenly occurred to me why Portland seemed familiar. It's just the sort place that I've created any number of times in SimCity. _
respond? (4)
11:12:31 PM, Wednesday 19 March 2008


"I've been travelling through the dirt and the grime, from the past to the future through the space and the time." 
-Any Road, George Harrison

10:22:47 PM, Wednesday 19 March 2008


I beat Spider solitaire, with 4 suits!  Second time I've managed it in my life, and the first time I was 14 or so and using actual cards.         

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11:17:39 PM, Monday 17 March 2008


Incoming. Monadology just got linked by Andrew Sullivan. _
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07:43:58 PM, Thursday 13 March 2008


Poaching fish and vegetables in aluminium foil is nifty. And this 'slow-churned' low-temperature extrusion ice cream, I think I like it better than regular ice cream. _
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07:38:59 PM, Sunday 9 March 2008


Anyone else remember looking forward to the Republican party tearing itself to shreds over petty nonsense? _
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04:27:08 PM, Friday 7 March 2008


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