Obama's victory speech. It's good! _
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10:25:52 PM, Saturday 26 January 2008


If Obama gets 50% and Edwards takes second, I'm officially sunny and optimistic again. _
respond? (4)
07:24:37 PM, Saturday 26 January 2008


Good things about the world:
Landlady just came to the door with cupcakes.
I've got my W-2's.
I'm sure there are others. _
04:33:52 PM, Friday 25 January 2008


Woman-only buses in Mexico. Not easy. I think I come down on the side of this doing more harm than good, by normalizing harrassment. It also shades towards a nasty victorian paternalism. But what do I know about mexican buses? And while we're discussing buses and outmoded paternalistic moral impulses: The Yorkshire Goths are being oppressed. Sometimes I'm not a good ACLU absolutist. I'd rather live in a society where leading a woman around on a chain in public was illegal, rather than being a good way of getting on TV. I'm not sure I've ever disliked two people so strongly based on a single photo.

I promise my next post will be something good about the world. _
respond? (45)
03:04:24 PM, Friday 25 January 2008


It's nice when you read something that expresses a thought you've had rolling around, but been unable to express. Obsidian Wings on the problem with politicians who lie:

Lying in an election is basically a way of saying: we know how you ought to vote, and if we can't get you to vote that way by presenting you with facts and arguments, or even with truthful but emotionally shaded appeals, then we will get you to vote our way by telling you things that are not true. It's hard to see what could be more profoundly disrespectful of people's right to decide for themselves whom to vote for.

Edit: Hey, also, ZLN rolls out his gift for glorious indignation. He lives yet! _
respond? (6)
02:36:07 PM, Friday 25 January 2008


I had a dream that I met a Clinton voter, and didn't know what to say. Also, small birds that lived on top of a tower and killed anyone who went up there with acid. We eventually defeated them through some sort of trickery, by sawing their notebook in half. _
08:58:56 AM, Friday 25 January 2008


I have instituted a new, revolutionary policy of turning off the home computer while working. This resulted in a massive increase in productivity, and mindless websurfing withdrawal twitchiness, which manifested itself in a tendency to send SMS messages. _
respond? (1)
05:33:21 PM, Wednesday 23 January 2008


It's official: don't tease tigers. Especially if they're underwater tigers. _
respond? (5)
04:31:57 PM, Friday 18 January 2008


So in addition to attempting (with plausible deniability) to change the rules to punish a union that fell out of line, echoing republican talking points (as they say) on letting rich people hard-working families continue to pay less payroll tax, Clinton is criticizing Obama for once saying... the "moral and social cost of gambling, particularly in low-income communities, could be devastating.". Just lovely. _
respond? (3)
12:01:14 PM, Friday 18 January 2008


In light of the recent pepperpot discussion, I would also like to add that this bit of surliness defending publishing the stupid Danish Muhammed cartoons is bloody awesome. This is a phrase I do not use lightly. I don't think art or speech gets any sort of exemption from moral consideration. I think some things are funny for vile reasons. But I really do believe these things are far too subtle, and government far too clunking and corruptable, for there to be any justification for state censorship. _
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10:12:07 AM, Thursday 17 January 2008


snow on branches
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07:52:22 PM, Tuesday 15 January 2008


this page left intentionally blank. _
12:30:08 PM, Tuesday 15 January 2008


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