black walnut fruit
There's a walnut in there somewhere. No there isn't. It's a Osage Orange _
respond? (7)
11:03:50 PM, Saturday 29 December 2007


6 pointed star
my third stained glass project. If anyone can remember the word for that shape in the middle, where the triangles slide together, I'd be grateful. I just keep coming up with aparture. _
respond? (6)
10:44:00 PM, Saturday 29 December 2007


obama logo
My second stained glass project. I nearly managed the blue in a single piece, but not quite. _
10:43:31 PM, Saturday 29 December 2007


stained glass bufflehead
My first stained glass project. _
respond? (1)
10:28:16 PM, Saturday 29 December 2007


Free! Oops, wait, forgot my time card. _
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05:46:27 PM, Friday 21 December 2007


I have taken to burning candles on my workdesk. This increases my productivity in two ways. One, it keeps the cat away. Two, it gives my a really bright light to stare into, keeping me from hibernating. _
04:57:26 PM, Friday 21 December 2007


I find 'Happy Holidays' sad, particularly coming from people I know to be devout christians, because it makes me feel I can't wish them a happy christmas. I think it's being appoximately english, where having an established church has made christmas entirely secular, or maybe that's just my family. Holidays are supposed to be communal, not sectarian. I can understand other religions not liking it, but any atheists who manage to be put out by christmas wishes are daft, and the whole thing is depressing. It's like when people apologize to my accent for the 4th of July. I wonder if anyone gets put out by the western imperialism of the new year. Happy christmasish, world. _
respond? (9)
04:23:54 PM, Friday 21 December 2007


One of the kind of funny things is that in the current debate between Clinton/Edwards and Obama on healthcare is that I can vouch for the Big Evil Insurance Industry being entirely on the side of the 'universal' healthcare envisioned by Clinton and Edwards. They've sent me glossy pamphlets about it. They adore mandated healthcare for those who can afford it according to the government, but don't think they can. Me, I'm agnostic. I have civil liberty sorts of objections to it, though from a strictly policy view, mandates do make the health insurance model slightly fairer, if you really enforce them. (which I can't imagine happening) The level of rhetoric about it seems absurd, though: it's the sort of detail that is kind of crazy, considering how teneous the connection is between what a president says they're going to try to pass, and how legislation gets written.

Also, I really don't understand why 'progressives' are supporting the disengenious, unfair and regressive cap on payroll taxes. Social Security was never a retirement fund, (or, if it were, was a brazen pyramid scheme) the lockbox has aways been a lie, and isn't even a good idea. The wealthy should help support the indignant elderly. I'd much rather see payroll taxes abolished entirely, and replaced by income taxes, but abolishing the cap is a start. It's one of the most obvious injustices of the tax code. The fact that Krugman would pitch such a fit over Obama suggesting a progressive tax increase, when we need to, you know, raise taxes, and for reasons that boil down to political optics and electioneering, it really disappoints me. _
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02:57:10 PM, Thursday 20 December 2007


Does anyone have any suggestions of where to start with Dr. Johnson? _
respond? (2)
08:25:45 PM, Friday 14 December 2007


So, I just got a Rasmussen Robo-Poll phone call, about consumer confidence. How on earth am I supposed to know what the economy is going to be doing? Why ask me? If they want to know about my financial situation, that would make sense. But by asking me about this thing called the economy, all they're going to get is a recycling of my impressions from the news. Then they go on to ask me whether I'd get better customer service from a male or female owned small business. Thankfully they have 'Not Sure' as an option for everything, but sheesh. They should have 'that's a bloody stupid question, what are you asking me for?'. _
respond? (2)
05:23:30 PM, Friday 14 December 2007


We now have google streetview in town. follow the link, Close the address window and click on the golden person to see our house! _
respond? (4)
05:56:46 PM, Tuesday 11 December 2007


The computers are calling for a full-fledged nor'easter on Sunday. Perhaps we should go grocery shopping early this week. 965 mb = bad. _
12:20:43 PM, Tuesday 11 December 2007


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