Aha! Woody Allen was portrayed in Interiors!: he was the crazy oppressive decorating mother. Said so in an interview. It makes sense, I just hadn't thought of it. Ahem. Carry on. _
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04:55:19 PM, Wednesday 17 October 2007


Her Depot: Home Depot for women. It's bad enough that someone thought it was a good idea, but there's still a chance it isn't actually one, and will be a brief abbhoration and not a plague. _
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04:30:24 PM, Wednesday 17 October 2007


If you have been thinking of giving money to Barack Obama today is a good day. They're running a drive to close the gap between him and Clinton, fundraisingwise. It'll be a good news story when it happens, and help put an end the the inevitability nonsense, one would hope. They need 2.1 million, started at noon, and already have half a million. And now I'll go wash my hands. _
respond? (3)
04:46:47 PM, Tuesday 16 October 2007


Darjeeling Limited is completely and utterly pointless. It isn't unpleasant, mind you. It's cute and mannered and all. It just has no purpose, nothing to say, no reason to exist. It's better than The Life Aquatic, because that was nasty about it's pointlessness. I liked the shot of the countryside from the train over the closing credits better than anything else in the whole movie. _
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03:53:52 PM, Sunday 14 October 2007


I have finished Final Fantasy XII! Also, I find that Lord British has fallen out with the rights holders to EA, so there will be no more Ultimas, but he has been working on other games. He seems to have gone over completely to massively multiplayer online games, however, and I value reality too much to try one. He's also going to be Space Tourist #6. I know you probably don't care, but he created vast swathes of my childhood, and I find it odd for him to be a real person. I really do wonder what is going to happen it 'classic' computer games. They aren't like films, they just take so long to play. I spent 150 hours on FFXII, (though some of that was me wandering off and forgetting to turn it off.) And since the graphical revolution, games have been getting shorter, I spent many times that on Ultima V. _
12:35:29 AM, Saturday 13 October 2007


Took me all day to make my morning cup of tea. And it's too cold and windy for the kayak now. However, I did put my lifejacket on, and it made me feel better. I'll wait until tomorrow, during the day. Because tomorrow I don't have to sit in front of the computer while the sun is up. That'll be better. _
05:51:00 PM, Friday 12 October 2007


Apple user interface design strikes again: How to reboot an iPod nano when it crashes.. press Menu and center button, and hold for 10 seconds. I've met more intuitive digital watches. Maybe this is another place where the internet has changed the world: with google, you've never lost the manual. _
12:58:45 PM, Friday 12 October 2007


Baby Coots. That is all. _
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11:43:36 AM, Friday 12 October 2007


What can the world, if such a thing can be said to exist politically, do about this sort of tyranny? Burma has enough timber and gas to support the regime without the support of the people. War is murderous and sickening, and in other cases I'd say sanctions are too. Is fatalism really the only position to take, from halfway around the world? Obviously, there is civilization and peace in much of the world, but sometimes it seems hard to see where it comes from. _
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10:15:56 AM, Friday 12 October 2007


Dinner this evening consists of experimental pizza. The crust is my oatmeal-molasses dough, mark II, and the sauce consists of 3 caramelized onions, cardomom pods, cumin, canned tomato sauce, and leftover chicken breast from monday's tortilla soup. It's in the oven. The other 2/3rds of the oatmeal dough is in the freezer, planning to became breakfast rolls, which are rather like dinner rolls that don't know what time it is. _
respond? (3)
06:13:03 PM, Wednesday 10 October 2007


I played enough DDR over the summer for my employer to send me a fleece jacket. I'm now using it, along with the new hat, do help me know whether I'm at work or not. I feel rather like Mr. Rogers changing sweaters. _
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05:21:41 PM, Wednesday 10 October 2007


This is the sort of thing you get with dynastic politics. Sandy Berger, if you recall, is the one who stole and destroyed documents from the library of congress (smuggled in his socks!) in order to, well, it was never entirely clear. Rumor has it that he is now warning manderins away from supporting the enemy of the emperor. It's much like Ollie North: crimes against the country in defense of party are rewarded. This is why a deeply unpopular politician has managed to become the prohibative favorite: The establishment is intimidated, no one wants to be on the Enemies List. But why she leads in the polls, that's the bit I don't comprehend. I just don't get it. _
09:10:48 AM, Wednesday 10 October 2007


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