Experimental cooking log-- leftover oatmeal molasses bread:
6.5 oz cooked steel-cut oatmeal (breakfast leftovers)
10 oz bread flour
6 oz water
1 1/2 Tbspn butter
1 oz molasses
1 tspn salt
1 1/2 tspn yeast

It's currently in the bread machine on dough cycle. I'll decide what to do with it next when I see what comes out. _
respond? (3)
03:20:01 PM, Thursday 20 September 2007


seaweed detail _
10:28:14 AM, Thursday 20 September 2007


Pete Stark, 'humanist of the year' and first atheist congressman, is giving a speech at Harvard this evening. There is no way I'm going. I should watch for good lectures to go to, but that aint one of them. The list of past HotYs is deeply depressing. Sanger? Skinner? Ted Turner? Erhenreich? And then the usual suspects: Dennett, Dawkins. There are admirable people on the list, to be sure, but who let the arrogant angry egomaniacs in? Humanist shouldn't just be a euphemism for atheist, but apparently that's what it means here. _
respond? (2)
09:19:54 AM, Thursday 20 September 2007


sandcastle of DOOM
Sniff. My magical Flickr posting thingum doesn't work anymore.

At some point I want to go and build various sorts of sandcastles, according to plans, with measured amounts of sand, and photograph them at the apex of each wave, and in between. This would be the first step to working out how a sand-castle building strategy game might work. _
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08:10:32 AM, Thursday 20 September 2007


Buying new furniture may not be the most sensible way to force yourself to tidy up the house*. But it's fun! And really, I mean, that one area was a mess because the furniture was poorly matched to it's function, making it so it couldn't possibly be tidy. That's it. Yeah.

*Not that I've actually tidied up anything yet. But I've moved everything around and made the house practically uninhabitable, which is an important first step. _
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02:13:20 PM, Wednesday 19 September 2007


Also, why is it acceptable, or even expected, for candidates to say 'When I am president' rather than 'If'? When exactly did overweening presumption become a virtue? _
01:23:38 PM, Tuesday 18 September 2007


Probable assassin Lugovoi given a seat in the Duma, which comes with immunity, by the despicable comic book villain Zhirinovsky. Also, Putin assigns a prime minister no one has ever heard of, helping revive the dying art of Kremlinology. No one seems to doubt that Putin is going to remain in power past his term limit, the only question is how. I'm not sure why russian politics interests me. It's like looking at a car crash on the highway, it reminds me of what could go wrong.

Oh, and hey! Lugovoi might run for president! And Zhirinovsky gets his oceans confused. _
10:00:31 AM, Tuesday 18 September 2007


I am at war with the shuffle feature. It thinks I want to listen to Art Brut. It is incorrect. If it keeps it up I may just decide I never want to hear Art Brut again. _
respond? (2)
05:09:58 PM, Monday 17 September 2007


knotweed 1bit
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10:32:10 AM, Monday 17 September 2007


I have come down with a cold the day before I was supposed to go on a 4 day business trip. My timing is uncanny. If I had decided to get a cold, today would have been the day for it. Yet I appear not to be malingering. Haven't decided whether to cancel yet. The trouble is, I really wasn't looking forward to this, so I question my motives behind my congestion. _
respond? (1)
08:16:33 AM, Monday 17 September 2007


08:52:58 PM, Sunday 16 September 2007


knotweed detail
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08:48:06 PM, Sunday 16 September 2007


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