Tim's Bloglet

This is going to be two weekends working in a row, which is definitely on the list of things that makes me sullen. Not that anyone asked me to, mind you. I've just got deadlines. I really don't understand why deadlines have such a grip on my soul at work, after I shrugged them aside effortlessly during years of formal education. _
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10:53:19 AM, Friday 20 January 2006


As Mirabai found out, there's a fuss in certain circles about a new law in Massachusetts.

The bill is here.

The chapter of the General Laws effected is here.

Summary: Repeals the bans on adultery; fornication; advertising or selling any form of contraception,abortificant, or 'article for self-abuse', (though married couples can get contraception by prescription); crimes against nature; Blasphemy; and the laws defining and laying out punishments for Tramps, Vagrants and Vagabonds.

More or less, a Tramp is a homeless person begging, or anyone riding a freight train unofficially, a Vagrant is anyone who begs in a public place, and a Vagabond is a known thief who goes out in public.

The ban on crimes against nature with man or beast is being replaced with a ban on beastiality, carrying the same maximum sentence of 20 years.

My favorite is the bit about Blasphemy. I love the exemption for accidental blaspheming.

Section 36. Whoever wilfully blasphemes the holy name of God by denying, cursing or contumeliously reproaching God, his creation, government or final judging of the world, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching Jesus Christ or the Holy Ghost, or by cursing or contumeliously reproaching or exposing to contempt and ridicule, the holy word of God contained in the holy scriptures shall be punished by imprisonment in jail for not more than one year or by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars, and may also be bound to good behavior. _
10:38:16 AM, Thursday 19 January 2006


I've been thinking that I should try to put together a list of political and policy questions that I am able to have a clear opinion, and trying to get involved with them at some level. Making election day a national holiday would be an example of the sort of thing. Or perhaps I should try to get my work done so I can go back to sleep. _
12:52:40 PM, Wednesday 18 January 2006


I feel like butter spread over too much bread. Interestingly, when I was thinking this on the plane, I couldn't decide if it was a quote from Winnie the Pooh or Arthur Dent, while in fact it's Bilbo Baggins. I got one of those agonizing sinus headaches again, flying back from Columbus. Lasted about half an hour, which I spent trying to shift my facial structure by hand. Still some lingering pain, 16 hours later. I blame American Eagle for not serving hot tea. Next time I think I'll take a benedryl or decongestant before flying. The 15 pound laptop, which I had to bring because I didn't finish my slides until 8 hours before the training started, didn't help my state of mind. All to give a 4 hour training to 6 people. But about Columbus. It's culturally somewhat southern. Not only is it teeming with Waffle Houses, but you can get a sweet tea. Granted, it's hardly sweetened at all, compared to the saturated solution offered up in Atlanta, but still. I appreciate societies that understand that sugar packets simply don't cut it. _
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12:20:39 PM, Wednesday 18 January 2006


Came off by bicycle for the first time. Nothing exciting, the back wheel just slipped out when I started to turn in the parking lot. Another good thing about recumbents: You're closer to the ground. It hurt significantly less than when I slipped and fell walking a couple weeks ago. Must remember that on days like this, if a bit of pavement looks dry, that's because it's a sheet of ice. Also, my chain is skipping, something must be locking up in the derailer. Winter is murder on bicycle parts. _
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11:02:13 AM, Sunday 15 January 2006


Say what you like about american politicians, at least we don't have George Galloway. Setting aside the apperent corruption and totalitarian tendencies, he was last seen missing votes because he was secluded from all outside contact and imitating a cat on Big Brother. Apparently he is disappointed that there is not more political debate. Other contestants include Dennis Rodman. So he's skipping work in the vain hope of debating politics with Dennis Rodman. As I side note, I should not like to be told off by Helen Mirren. _
03:05:13 PM, Friday 13 January 2006


New Year's day used to be celebrated on March 25th. Of course, March 25th used to be on the equinox, or, at least, was where the equinox was supposed to be. Slippy things, equinoxes. They move about unexpectedly and cause schisms. I'm not sure which makes more sense; to tie the change of the year to the light or to the weather. Solstices are more definite, I suppose. There are two days of equal length, but only one longest night. _
01:52:37 PM, Friday 13 January 2006


Raise your hand if you feel underpaid or otherwise hard done to at work. *raises hand*.

--deleted details of petty sulk because they are petty--

Perhaps I'm one of these sad people who can't work anywhere for more than a couple years without the accumulated grievences turning me sour. _
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06:10:56 PM, Thursday 12 January 2006


Until today I'd never heard of James Frey, but my oh my. Creep doesn't even begin to cover it. Why does it bother me? I suppose I feel that it's important that people understand their society, and making it sound worse than it is, sensationalism, effects everything people believe, and lowers their standards for themselves. Is it worse than making it sound better than it is? Anyway, God bless the smoking gun and their silly collection of mug shots.

In a related thought, it's somehow beautiful that an author is threatening to sue a website for exposing that he is innocent of the crimes society believes he committed, and that he has become wealthy confessing to. Says something or other about modern society. It's bound to. Probably something profound. I'm sure an op-ed page will tell us what it is shortly. _
02:59:01 PM, Thursday 12 January 2006


Joseph Druce is why I believe in capital punishment. Society has extra obligations to those it imprisons, and the first of those is to keep them safe from one other. _
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01:15:14 PM, Wednesday 11 January 2006


Taken at Bullfrog Valley Pond in Hershey, Penn. Some research revealed them to be Cayuga Ducks, a domestic breed. _
08:44:07 PM, Monday 9 January 2006


Spent the vast bulk of today finishing up last years budget and doing projections of non-discretionary spending through the end of next year. 15 months and still going, to my own surprise. Both reassuring and fascinating to know exactly which drains it's all spiralling down. Also, this year I don't have to guess for the state use tax*: I know. Spreadsheets are glorious things. This level of accounting wouldn't have been feasible for someone of my temperament 20 years ago. Paper tends to run away and hide in large jumbled piles when I approach. I don't have a desks so much as nests.

*Why do I pay state use tax, even though it's unenforcable? It's something like this: I don't particularly like Amazon. I like bookstores. However, if one is willing to cheat on the taxes, then it's usually better to buy everything on amazon. So, to keep my financial incentives lined up with my desire to support local business, I pay use taxes. This is what reading about economics does to a person. _
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08:14:15 PM, Saturday 7 January 2006


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