Tim's Bloglet

05:35:42 PM, Tuesday 8 June 2004


05:35:00 PM, Tuesday 8 June 2004


05:34:48 PM, Tuesday 8 June 2004


05:34:35 PM, Tuesday 8 June 2004


respond? (1)
05:32:35 PM, Tuesday 8 June 2004


05:32:09 PM, Tuesday 8 June 2004


A tangental comment,, displaced by blogspot's cap on comment length.

Friedman sees his job differently from most pundits: He thinks he's trying to explain, rather than argue. I thouroughly enjoy his older foriegn correspondent stuff, when he has something substantial to explain that I don't understand. Beirut to Jeruselum is a tremendous book, the best contemporary history I've read. He still gets out some, but not as much, and he doesn't have as much of substance to contribute when talking about India or Japan. He also has a agonizing cuteness, and no ear for language. (longitudes and attitudes? People of Mass Destruction? Super-Empowered Individuals?) Dowd can be funny, and writes the occasional killer sentence, but she can also be ugly and thoughtlessly vindictive, careless. Punditry isn't necessarily useless, occasionally they have something to add, either a perspective or a clarity I can't get by myself. However, syndication deadlines aren't good for anyone's quality. Recently read the complete Far Side. Seeing them all, more or less in order, made his burnouts easy to see, forming a kind of tragic plot moving through the collection.

I suppose I could have simply broken it into several comments. Too late now. _
12:45:04 PM, Tuesday 8 June 2004


the air conditioner bit me. _
11:36:13 AM, Tuesday 8 June 2004


Perhaps if everyone started singing along, loudly, with people who have recognizable songs as their cell-phone rings, they'd stop using them.

The person whose office and mine share a wall uses a Ramones-Tempo rendition of When the Saints Go Marching In to let her know that her phone wants attention. _
respond? (2)
10:50:15 AM, Monday 7 June 2004


Yay! You can now play with an arbitarily shaped paddle! Shape is now determined by a list of vertices in the .pad file, rather than one of several pre-defined, hard-coded shapes! Onwards! _
10:46:58 PM, Sunday 6 June 2004


It helps to write the code before you test it. _
respond? (7)
09:08:54 PM, Sunday 6 June 2004


It compiles! I feel like a caged animal released back into the wild. My freedom confuses me. _
06:10:33 PM, Sunday 6 June 2004


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