Tim's Bloglet

Just got my bicycle out for the first time this Spring (Spring I call it, whatever the weather may say). My legs took to it immediately, and have lost all interest in walking normally. They just want to define circles. _
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09:40:50 AM, Thursday 19 February 2004


I've only just found it, but Timehunt is some sort of web puzzle game with involvement from Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman and such. _
08:03:42 PM, Tuesday 17 February 2004


When you're hungry, it's no good looking for food on the internet. This is a mistake I make fairly regularly. I'm often looking for something unarticulated, only to realize it's a baked good, and not the latest news about Haiti at all. _
07:57:38 PM, Tuesday 17 February 2004


I'm just going to boycott the word liberal. Economic liberal is now used to mean nearly the opposite of what Gladstone would have thought was meant. Somewhere it turned into a slander, and then a badge, much like yankee. All that remains of a once quite sensible word is an ideological adjective corresponding to Democrat. Libertarian, an unnecessary, misbegotten word, has run off with a good chunk of the sense of liberal, but then mixed in a large amount of muck it found among the black helicopter set. _
05:02:35 PM, Tuesday 17 February 2004


I was going to try to save this until April 20th, but by then I'll forget. Jimmy Carter was approached by an apparently hostile aquatic rabbit 25 years ago. There is a picture, but try as I might, I couldn't find it online. Maybe this internet thing isn't all it's cracked up to be. _
01:07:28 PM, Tuesday 17 February 2004


I appear to have some bad memory. _
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06:27:12 PM, Monday 16 February 2004


Things I haven't posted after writing:
A lengthy discussion of why I didn't like Triplets of Belleville, which I tried to stop being unpleasant by moving into a discussion of why I did like Millenium Actress, but then I realized how difficult it is to describe why something works. Why it doesn't work is generally obvious. Quick Version: ironic absurdities can become an excuse for laziness, and if the pacing fails (which is an individual thing) tiresome. Farce is a delicate flower. It is an eternal truth that, all else being equal, pretty pictures are better than ugly pictures. The japanese are very good at absurdity without a punchline, which is unsettling.

An update on my game, and my relief that I managed to work on it yesterday after two weeks away. The game has become my Way Forward In Life, and a displacement of formal education, which has added pressure.

Pictures of a red tailed hawk eating a squirrel above the bike path, which don't look like much. There were several blue jays hanging around, presumably as scavangers. Changed my idea of blue jays. _
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05:10:03 PM, Monday 16 February 2004


Music heard this week on John Peel worthy of further investigation:
Beans - Win or Lose, you Lose
Obtuse rap. The phrase that stuck was "we're in a fleece in a sauna".
Reggie Rockstone - Eye Mo De Anaa
Asante Twi/English rap from Ghana. Erika Approved.
Cathode - Hayling and Brixton
buzzes and beeps, as Mouse on Mars, only with more purpose.
Decoration - Joy Adamson
Jangle-pop style of thing. Shiny.

This may become a regular weekly feature, since I always lose the bits of paper I write these down on. _
04:13:11 PM, Sunday 15 February 2004


The Simple Life
by Roy Blount, Jr.

Observe the protozoan swim.
It's not a her, it's not a him.
Its income, outgo both are slim.
It has no school or home or gym,
Or tears or blood or bile or phlegm.

A long way down from seraphim --
And yet it fills the interim
Between prelude and closing hymn
More gainfully than you do, Jim.
For when it dies it's two of them.

Lifted from his collection Not Exactly What I Had In Mind _
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08:03:17 PM, Saturday 14 February 2004


If you feel compelled to follow tawdry political gossip, Wonkette is the place, and today is the day. Refreshing, because the gossip is treated as gossip, to be forged into amusement, rather than Very Important News. _
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01:57:19 PM, Thursday 12 February 2004


Look at the 2nd picture. The owner of the car looks pleased with himself, quite understandably.

edit: It's now the 6th picture. Clearly they are not to be trusted. _
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10:53:11 AM, Thursday 12 February 2004


An explanation of Clark. It makes some sense of why the press was so quick to write him off after Iowa. Now I have to decide who to vote for. Probably Dean, but I'll have to look at them again. I at least need a back-up, should he fail to survive until March. I wouldn't trust any of them to look after my cat. Well, maybe Dennis. _
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05:41:33 PM, Wednesday 11 February 2004


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