Sarah's Bloglet

Words coined by Dr. Betty Dodson that make me giggle:
"bodysex" _
12:41:49 AM, Sunday 3 April 2005


I wrote a funny.

Dear Sirs,

You said you needed information about movie theaters and accessibility.

The Landmark in Berkeley is showing Sin City tonight at 7 and 9:40. This is on Shattuck at Kittridge, right near the Downtown Berkeley BART station on the Richmond line. It is also possible to find parking if you park on Shattuck after it intersects with Ashby.

AMC Bay Street in Emeryville is also showing Sin City tonight. It is not accessible via BART and also it is built upon the desecrated graves of several hundred Ohlone Indians, who were probably the nicest, most peace-loving group of people ever to inhabit the Bay Area.

Take your pick.
respond? (7)
02:20:50 PM, Friday 1 April 2005


In better news, this morning when we woke up Damian wished me a happy anniversary. Technically it's on Croquet Day (we passed the "just friends" highway marker after Cotillion three years ago) but it was nice to think of it this morning. Today might be the anniversary of the day he gave me a mix tape, anyway, and we all know that mixtape=love.

How do y'all count your anniversaries? I go strictly by the first kiss, but then we pretended to be platonic friends for a few months before we got over it, so it's nice to have a bright line. I still can't believe it took us so long to get together. _
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01:51:50 PM, Friday 1 April 2005


My second-scariest street harassment experience, last night:

I'm waiting to cross the street when a man walks up to me, swaying slightly. It's 9:15pm in downtown Oakland, and the only other people around are a group of teenage boys about half a block away.

"What's up, sexy," he says as he walks up to me.
I stare straight ahead and don't respond.
Then, just as he passes behind me: "If you don't say 'hi' I'm going to slap you silly."
I stare straight ahead and don't respond.
"Aw, I was just kidding. Are you scared?"
And then he's gone, and now I'm scared of him and every other man I see on my walk home. Congratulations to him.

When I told Damian about this he said he felt he wanted to apologize for his gender. But this guy didn't do it because he's a man -- he did it because he thinks that being a man and being an asshole are the same thing.

Dear readers: if you see someone pulling this crap out on the streets, do us all a favor and tell them why it's wrong. As long as it won't get you slapped silly, that is. _
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12:07:17 PM, Friday 1 April 2005


I went climbing for the first time last night at the behest of my houseguest, Melissa. Now everything hurts. I don't have the upper body strength to compensate for my sad technique.

Too bad it's such an expensive sport to take up -- I could probably work through the suckitude until I enjoyed it, but somehow it's not worth the initial outlay of around $200 plus equipment.

Also, I think I'm still afraid of heights. _
04:35:44 PM, Thursday 31 March 2005


Tags I noticed this morning: Bacon, DEPHT and XP. _
respond? (7)
11:06:59 AM, Wednesday 30 March 2005


I came home and my roommates were watching Labyrinth: "Once we had discovered that David Bowie's Area is all around us every moment of our lives and everywhere that we go, two primal urges filled us: To learn as much about David Bowie's Area and Its interactions with our known universe as we could, and: To share our profound and intimate knowledge of David Bowie's Area with as many new minds as possible." _
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02:23:19 AM, Saturday 26 March 2005


Back when I was a freshman or sophmore at SJC, I saw an Anime Society fansub of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and was totally blown away by it. I'd never seen anything by Miyazaki before and was completely awed by the movie.

My brother, who is a huge Miyazaki fan (his AIM icon is a dancing Totoro) just bought the Disney DVD release and we watched it last night. It was even better this time, and really interesting to see after watching Princess Mononoke, which has an almost identical plot and very similar characters. In both movies there's a tension between the virginal Princess who is attuned to nature and the wounded, seductive industrialist, and I like seeing how these two types became more nuanced in Mononoke than in the earlier film. Along those lines: It seems like the purity of both Nausicaa and Mononoke is symbolically aligned with the unspoiled nature they seek to protect. Aside from that it's Shinto as all hell, however, I don't have much to say about it. (Too bad, there's a Bitch article in there somewhere.)

Anyway, it's a beautiful movie, visually and morally, and it is totally totally worth seeing. Go watch it! _
05:34:22 PM, Thursday 24 March 2005


Dog name: Corporal von Pugglesworth. _
respond? (6)
01:47:13 PM, Thursday 24 March 2005


Reflecting on an IM conversation with Julia last night: I say some pretty ridiculous things when I'm sleepy. Ridiculous things about the slaughter of the Athenians in the quarries at Sicily and how this relates to shopping for underthings. _
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12:28:19 PM, Wednesday 23 March 2005


Eeeee! Joss Whedon is slated to direct a new Wonder Woman movie. Via Amanda at Pandagon. _
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05:06:14 PM, Monday 21 March 2005


Since we're discussing the Terri Schaivo case: A long and thoughtful post on the situation at Obsidian Wings; aCAT scan of her brain with some commentary by a person who knows how to read those things; Rivka posts about the medical issues involved; a pdf of the judge's decision to remove the feeding tube -- page 9 is particularly relevant. _
05:04:03 PM, Monday 21 March 2005


I've been listening to "Long Black Veil" a lot lately. Mostly to the version by Hazel Dickens and Alice Gerrard, but also to Johnny Cash's version on At Folsom Prison. It just gets into your head and stays there. _
respond? (1)
12:05:20 PM, Monday 21 March 2005


All weekend, whenever I turned on the radio, I heard some new development in the Terri Shiavo situation. I don't really have an opinion on her medical situation, although I think it's ridiculous that Congress is intervening in it. Then again, if the GOP has to throw a sop to the pro-life voters I'd rather they threw this rather than some of my abortion rights. _
respond? (6)
11:40:42 AM, Monday 21 March 2005


Things I called my half-Irish boyfriend last night:


I didn't call him a "spudfucker", but I did mention it to him, and let me tell you, it sounds better in a brogue. _
respond? (11)
11:45:59 AM, Friday 18 March 2005


Holy crap this is the best thing ever. I am giving my laptop kisses right now. _
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10:26:54 PM, Tuesday 15 March 2005


Anybody remember the song Mirrorshades by Information Society? Reading the lyrics made me want to go back in time and never read anything by William Gibson. This is a terrible thing for a song to do.

In other news: It is shiny! _
04:50:23 PM, Tuesday 15 March 2005


After being computerless at home since... uh... 2002, when my first laptop was stolen in a burglary not a year after I got it, I finally bought another. It's a Dell Latitude D610, all hopped up with a big harddrive and lots of RAM so I can run a Nintendo emulator and graphics programs. I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it. _
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01:38:58 PM, Thursday 10 March 2005


A story from my childhood: When I was about seven I was confused about the word "tampon". Since it was something they sold in bathrooms I connected it with those tissue seat covers.

One day, while visiting a public restroom with my mother, I discovered that there were no seat covers in my stall. I covered the toilet seat with strips of toilet paper instead. Meeting my mother at the sinks, I proudly announced to her, "There weren't any tampons so I used toilet paper instead!"

I can still picture the shocked face of the woman at the next sink. _
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03:15:23 PM, Monday 7 March 2005


I just love it when the "mandatory team meetings" involve pitchers of beer. _
07:02:05 PM, Friday 4 March 2005


Fucked-up shit: I saw some jerk steal a girl's purse on BART last night, and today in front of the library I saw someone trying really hard to start a fight. _
06:11:33 PM, Friday 4 March 2005


I read Blink by Malcolm Gladwell a few weeks ago and liked it well enough. I was a little disappointed -- it seemed a bit facile, but then I had read some of the chapters already and was probably a little too excited about it. (What can I say, I love his New Yorker pieces.) Anyway, a good book if you don't spoil it for yourself. I'm reading his Slate conversation with another author and his Powell's interview, so perhaps I'll overcome my disappointment. And if I don't, well, misery loves company. _
12:08:20 PM, Wednesday 2 March 2005


A funny thing: My boyfriend loves NPR but harbors a passionate hatred for Garrison Keillor. _
respond? (16)
06:25:37 PM, Tuesday 1 March 2005


It's free day at the MOMA and apparently the high schools and group homes have been notifed because damn, it was crowded in there. I swung through the Robert Bechtle retrospective, which I highly recommend unless you have some disease that makes you unable to appreciate photorealism. They've reshuffled the permanent collection since I was last there -- turns out they have a disc painting by Robert Irwin. I'd read about them in a biography of him several years ago and was delighted to see one in person.

Summary: Art! Woo! _
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04:16:58 PM, Tuesday 1 March 2005


Antlers, what! _
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11:06:17 AM, Friday 25 February 2005


I am continually being surprised by things that are completely predictable. For example, this afternoon I was surprised to feel a burning sensation in my chest. What could that be?, I wondered, forgetting entirely about the quarter-cup of pickled jalapenos I'd had at lunch.

That makes sense, though -- until last year I'd never had heartburn, so it's just taking me awhile to get used to the possibility. But how about my surprise to wake up one morning of every month and find myself all tired and slightly headachey, craving junk food and only able to read genre novels? This has been happening for more than half of my life.

Even better: Around December I get sick of the dreary weather and wish I didn't have to wear a coat all the time. When will it end? I groan to myself. Well, it usually starts to break up in early February and is all gone by March. And I'm surprised then, too. _
07:09:45 PM, Tuesday 22 February 2005


GodDAMN I love Weezer. _
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05:19:58 PM, Tuesday 22 February 2005


Easy way to tell if someone is a jerkwad: He winks at you while making that "chk" sound in his mouth.

::shudder:: _
04:45:17 PM, Monday 21 February 2005


This week's cooking lesson: Don't buy hell of thai eggplant just because they are all cute and stripey. Cute stripeyness is not a recipe, damnit. _
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05:24:49 PM, Friday 18 February 2005


There is a bear ("bear" as in big hairy bearded gay mens) convention happening at a hotel a few blocks away. When I first walked towards it, having just passed the construction site and spotting one fellow in a hard hat, I thought it might be a contractor's meeting. Then I saw that he was talking to a man in a black leather vest and a Utilikilt. _
04:54:20 PM, Friday 18 February 2005


Dude, I just found my first gray hair. Actually it was more of a stark white than a gray. It was sticking up right where I part my hair, all, "Remember you are mortal!" and shit. _
respond? (6)
11:13:29 AM, Friday 18 February 2005


There is a man downstairs with ginormous muttonchops. They take up most of his face. It is a little ridiculous.

On the subject of facial hair, March Moustache Madness is coming up. If I could grow one, I would (I so would) but I have to live vicariously through my boyfriend. Which style do y'all like best? I am fond of the "Mistletoe" myself. _
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12:40:01 PM, Thursday 17 February 2005


The new Beck album is so frikkin' good. Well, the first song is. There is nothing like new Beck to listen to to put me in a good mood. Thanks Dames! _
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11:33:38 AM, Thursday 17 February 2005


There is a graff writer around here who tags "LookUp". When I see one of his (?) tags I always do. It's rewarding. _
07:07:45 PM, Thursday 10 February 2005


Leaving the library this afternoon, I saw a man coming my way smoking a cigarette. When he reached the library entrance's no smoking area, he toed the white demarcation line and finished his cigarette.

Five seconds later I was accosted by another man who yelled, "Bad art!" and brandished a collage landscape at me. I must say I agreed with him. _
respond? (3)
06:35:37 PM, Thursday 10 February 2005


Ever freak out about something and have no idea why? That's pretty much my life. _
06:31:32 PM, Thursday 10 February 2005


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