Watching Return of the King with Damian and my brother.
Me: Haha, Sam and Frodo totally want to kiss. This is awesome. The slash practically writes itself.
Damian: Why must everything be gay? Why can't they just be friends?
half an hour passes
Damian: Ok, this is pretty gay.
12:27:47 PM,
Monday 20 December 2004
Gah! Creepy man with no social skills!
03:03:41 PM,
Friday 17 December 2004
High-contrast: This morning I was reading The Brothers Karamazov while the carpool driver played a Raffi cd for her kid.
11:38:59 AM,
Thursday 16 December 2004
Via Alas, A Blog I found out about a man who is donating $1 to local food banks for every new visitor to his website today, December 15th. Click here to visit his site.
12:55:28 PM,
Wednesday 15 December 2004

What's Your Ultimate Fandom OTP?
Shiver My Timber--A Pirate RPG
respond? (1)
05:25:02 PM, Monday 13 December 2004
I just saw a jar of "gelatinous mutant coconut" at the Pinoy grocery across the street. (It's just macapuno -- scroll down for link -- but boy I love me some engrish.)
05:21:10 PM,
Monday 13 December 2004
Also: I think I was hungover rather than caffeine-deprived yesterday morning. I got the same amount of sleep last night and am doing fine with just one cup of coffee. That one rum and coke didn't even get me drunk -- or maybe I just didn't notice it? Cough, cough.
Or maybe that glass of sweet tea at the House of Chicken and Waffles was tiding me over. Nevermind -- I haven't had sweet tea like that since Damian and I stopped at our last Waffle House on the cross-country drive this summer. Guess I'll be hanging out around Jack London Square a lot more in the future.
01:58:50 PM,
Wednesday 8 December 2004
Had a lovely night with Moss and Julia and Damian. We went to the Oakland stop of the Found Magazine fifty-state tour and had a great time listening to Davy Rothbart's dramatic readings of found notes. A highlight of the evening was his brother Peter's melodic and heartfelt cover of "The Booty Don't Stop" -- because, damn, the booty don't stop. What you gonna do? What you gonna do?
01:53:10 PM,
Wednesday 8 December 2004
Caffeine addict ramblings: I think my caffeine tolerance has been creeping up. For a long time I was good with one cup of coffee in the morning. Then there was the diet coke from the company fridge at noon. Now my one cup of coffee in the morning leaves me slightly groggy and with a faint headache. I blame my ongoing sleep deficit and the weekend, with its two small cups or maybe one large. (After all, I've already made the pot, and it's a sin to waste the precious elixir.) I'll institute austerity measures on Saturday, I suppose.
My writing style seems weird to me -- maybe it's just better than usual. I blame Sumana and Leonard. I've probably incorporated Sumana's good influence by now, but lately I've also been reading what Leonard says about food. (The Pesto Myths and Facts entry is especially good -- it includes the line, "if you are some kind of salt vampire or humanoid deer you should just keep your freakish lifestyle to yourself.") He is famous for his cooking, you know. And Sumana is a famous writer!
01:37:11 PM,
Tuesday 7 December 2004
Christmas list:
1) Monkey (non-feces-throwing);
2) diapers (see above);
3) bananas (see above);
4) spangled hat (see above).
12:10:56 PM,
Tuesday 7 December 2004
On receiving Season 3 of Buffy yesterday, I shouted, "Woo-hoo! Who wants to watch "Earshot"??!!!?"
But we watched "Homecoming" and "Band Candy" instead because I wanted the setup for the "on top of a cop car" joke that comes later on. Many thanks to Damian and Dave for the lovely birthday evening -- the best one yet.
11:15:45 AM,
Tuesday 7 December 2004
Seen by UN Plaza: A homeless guy with a sign on his cart that read
05:18:01 PM,
Monday 6 December 2004
I have so much stuff to do in the next 48 hours and am so tired. SO TIRED. I was fine until I started sitting at my desk and trying to do data entry. I think data entry is like an invisible zombie squid what eats your brains.
02:57:28 PM,
Friday 3 December 2004
A nice example of turning quotidian prejudice inside-out and seeing it for what it is:
"No offense, but why are all white men so aggressive?". (Via Brutal Women.) The good part is down at the bottom: a whole list of questions often asked of black Britons, turned around to talk about white Britons. "Isn't it a shame that white people cannot pick more responsible leaders? What do you mean, you can't Morris dance?"
04:43:00 PM,
Thursday 2 December 2004
After scraping together a bunch of songs in waltz time (6/8 does too count) from rock, country and soul, I have to put them all together in an order that doesn't suck. Is it so wrong to follow Elliott Smith with Ween?
12:36:04 PM,
Thursday 2 December 2004
Here's the story that made me call the Pope a "worthless fuck" over my coffee this morning:
Vatican: AIDS a sign of "moral immunodeficiency"
Found via MouseWords.
11:59:32 AM,
Thursday 2 December 2004
03:19:10 PM,
Wednesday 1 December 2004
I am all excited because I am going to this interesting colloquium on the occupational feminization and wages in a few days. Pretty soon that excitement is going to shift into extreme nervousness about interacting with people who intimidate me, but I'll get around to that when I get around to it.
07:21:25 PM,
Tuesday 30 November 2004
From a reply accompanying my co-pay for that ER visit back in August:
"Please note that the possessive of "it" has no apostrophe. I can tolerate waiting eight hours in the emergency room without seeing a doctor, but I cannot abide poor spelling."
If I were processing my payment I would hate me.
04:29:16 PM,
Wednesday 24 November 2004
Tomorrow at dinner my family will list things that we're thankful for. I always have to resist the urge to say, "I'm so thankful that genocide worked in this part of the world. Ain't it great to be a cracker?"
02:35:42 PM,
Wednesday 24 November 2004
The English-to-12-Year-Old-AOLer Translator, found via a commenter on Crooked Timber.
05:09:15 PM,
Tuesday 23 November 2004
I have the tiredness behind my eyes again. Rar.
07:29:58 PM,
Monday 22 November 2004
Things I've done in the past few days:
-Inhaled an Agatha Christie novel (formulaic, but then that's the point, and tolerably meta and thank Jesus, not involving spies);
-moved most of my books to the new house;
-went hiking and deployed the apparatus with a friend;
-had brunch at the Thai Temple with another friend, whereupon we hightailed it to the flea market where I
-bought some earrings made out of bleached fish scales from Peru (they make a little clackity sound when I shake my head);
-met a stray cat outside my brother's apartment building and befriended him for the evening. He was a very charming fellow.
Home again home again jiggity jig.
01:02:52 PM,
Monday 22 November 2004
12:55:12 PM,
Monday 22 November 2004
This weekend I saw an awesome band called Toychestra. There are five of them and they each play one or two simple beats or sequences of notes at once and they get an amazing multilayered sound out of it. Their melodies are really catchy (they worked the melody of "There's a place in France/Where the ladies wear no pants" into a few songs) and a lot of their instruments had a cool droning quality. Plus it's just rad to see somebody take a $5 child's accordion and make music with it.
12:36:51 PM,
Monday 22 November 2004
There are kittens in the window of the Union Square Macy's. Kittens! KITTENS!
07:06:50 PM,
Friday 19 November 2004
Piles (literally) of tedious work to do, and the "off" switch on my brain isn't working.
08:16:25 PM,
Thursday 18 November 2004
Dave showed me this photo of a robot and an old man. The robot is holding the best sign ever.
03:36:10 PM,
Wednesday 17 November 2004
Pet peeve of the day: People who tell me to "smile". Y'all can go fuck yourselves, and remember not to use the astroglide.
08:27:15 PM,
Thursday 11 November 2004
So that antacid made me almost hurl just now. Oops.
07:21:21 PM,
Wednesday 10 November 2004
I think I should just buy myself a new outfit everday, because clearly I am never going to have time to do laundry ever again.
04:22:42 PM,
Wednesday 10 November 2004
I watched Lars Von Trier's Medea with the philosophy group last night and OH MY FUCKING CHRIST. It was done so beautifully -- it totally pulls reams of subtext out of the Euripides and puts it right up in your face. Definitely not afraid to be artsy. Now I want to see all of his other movies, except I have to wait until my heart returns to the chest it was ripped from.
12:11:53 PM,
Wednesday 10 November 2004
I got into the awesome house last night. Barring fax disasters and landlord madness, I mean.
11:08:00 AM,
Tuesday 9 November 2004
Allow me to reiterate: FUCK the Midwest.
11:23:34 AM,
Wednesday 3 November 2004
Headline: "Giant Squid Taking Over World".
07:16:07 PM,
Tuesday 2 November 2004
Got into a discussion with my boss about abolishing the electoral college. (I said yes, he said no.) I wonder which is worse: having my vote as a Californian be worth 25% of some Wyomingan's (is that even a word?), or having a presidential race that focuses on more populous parts of the country, to the exclusion of less populous parts?
My inlcination is to say, "fuck the midwest", but that can hardly be surprising.
04:12:04 PM,
Tuesday 2 November 2004
site & script courtesy of Moss