Sarah's Bloglet

New band name, courtesy of Lizzie: Tutor Booty! _
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03:57:34 PM, Friday 13 June 2003


Lizzie used "monster" like this today: "Those eyelashes are monster". I thought, damn, now there is a meme that needs spreading. So please consider it. _
03:31:24 PM, Friday 13 June 2003


Best phrase I've ever seen on Livejournal: "Crotchy McCrotch."

Thank you. _
02:05:15 PM, Friday 13 June 2003


Damian: Lord, I love being lame. _
respond? (1)
12:41:41 PM, Friday 13 June 2003


The Smurfs homepage is faintly disturbing. The best part is their description of Smurfette: "The wicked Gargamel originally created Smurfette to stir up trouble in the village. But Papa Smurf’s magic turned into the charming little Smurf that everyone adores." Riiiight. _
12:32:43 PM, Friday 13 June 2003


trickseyJump: umm....hello coffee.....dear coffee......yesssssssss.....
glossomania: precious elixir!
trickseyJump: i think it's the ambrosia all those gods were talking about....
glossomania: true, true
glossomania: all revivifying and shit
glossomania: i often kiss my coffee mug
trickseyJump: awww....
trickseyJump: i've seen you do that before, it's always been such a cute moment to witness.
glossomania: for real? i've been doing it longer than i thought
glossomania: shit!
glossomania: i've totally been having this, like, relationship and i never even knew!
trickseyJump: aw no, it's alright.
glossomania: i don't mean to be rude, but it's really the mug's opinion that matters here.
11:29:20 AM, Friday 13 June 2003


This morning I had a strange ride across the bridge. I got into a late model beige Jaguar and said hello to the driver, an expensive-looking man with a moustache and a deep tan. The stereo was blaring traffic report radio when I got into the car, but the driver almost immediately switched it to Enrique Iglesias.
See? Money can't buy everything. (Taste, primarily.) _
11:25:59 AM, Friday 13 June 2003


Babel Towers is driving me crazy. I can't stand to read it, because I'm afraid the protagonist is going to fuck up her life by living it (it's a feminism/personal autonomy/divorce law thing), and I know from experience that A.S. Byatt is going to make matters much much worse for her characters before the novel ends, but I can't put the damn thing down. And now I don't want to get entangled in any other narratives, because I'm already so painfully invested in this one. And I'm really wondering where she's going with the the individual vs. society thing and the whole inherent sadism thing. In what does the sadism inhere? And I'm afraid that she's hiding some nasty tricks behind the too-obvious caricature of de Sade in the madhouse. (But then was there anything so terrible behind Tennyson/Browning and Rossetti/Barrett Browning (or was that Dickinson? so confused) pastiches in Possession?)

I want to skip to the end (which I did, a bit, in Still Life, because I couldn't take the suspense, and the book wasn't ruined) but then I'd be a wuss. Can't have that. _
respond? (2)
11:08:40 PM, Thursday 12 June 2003


No rabbit-torture for me, alas. _
07:01:30 PM, Thursday 12 June 2003


Please go download "Cameltoe" by Fanny Pack. Please. It's so good. _
respond? (1)
06:51:52 PM, Thursday 12 June 2003


From a conversation with Damian: "As much fun as a barrelfull of poisonous monkeys." _
06:45:26 PM, Thursday 12 June 2003


Question: Should the suffix "-ass" be written after a dash? That is, "huge-ass" rather than "huge ass"? I think "hugeass" would be acceptable, but also, perhaps, confusing.
This occured to me because I saw the phrase "Sorry for the huge ass image" and didn't know whether the author meant "I apologize for the image of a huge ass" or "I deeply regret the size of this image."
And I do think it's funny to be worrying about the orthography of this term. _
respond? (18)
12:07:54 PM, Thursday 12 June 2003


One reason why I like foreign movies: If the dialogue is cheesy, I can think, "Well, maybe it sounded better in German." _
respond? (4)
05:57:38 PM, Wednesday 11 June 2003


glossomania: oh my god nigella lawson is so fucking hot
LeroyInAJar: oh yeah. nigella is stellar.
glossomania: i would SO hit that
LeroyInAJar: any god-fearing anglo-philic american would, dz!
LeroyInAJar: {name deleted}'s dad LOVED nigella. He would watch with unsettlingly rapt attention.
LeroyInAJar: "Oh yeah mix it baby!" now slower..slower...add the egg...that's it...
LeroyInAJar: it was a little...
LeroyInAJar: uh...
LeroyInAJar: weird _
05:44:00 PM, Wednesday 11 June 2003


::turns inside out:: _
04:22:22 PM, Wednesday 11 June 2003


Jacques Pepin MUST BE STOPPED. _
respond? (3)
01:48:55 PM, Wednesday 11 June 2003


Beck tickets! Wooooooot! _
respond? (6)
01:13:05 PM, Wednesday 11 June 2003


Strange bubbling-up feeling. Glee? Joy? And for no reason! If I have to endure causeless misery, then at least I get this, too. Something that unmedicated manic-depressives must say more than the rest of us. _
01:03:31 PM, Wednesday 11 June 2003


When you read an absorbing novel do you want to stay inside the author's head? I find NPR interviews very helpful for this, since I can't read A.S. Byatt all day.

(Incidentally -- I like the way people say the author's name as a stand-in for their work. An unfair and inaccurate equivalence, but an interesting one.) _
respond? (2)
12:56:41 PM, Wednesday 11 June 2003


I figure y'all have already seen the horrible Japanese cat costume page. But have you seen it in English? "A cat disguises itself as a sheep"! _
respond? (7)
06:49:07 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


Wow. Just that little bit of shaking rage has me plumb tuckered out. I wonder how people who have to fight for real manage it?
Part of it is probably that some people are energized by anger. Hm. _
respond? (11)
06:33:03 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


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06:07:09 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


Can I punch somebody in the face for grabbing my ass? Could I get away with it? _
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04:55:40 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


New Smoove: "This is when I will lead you to my polar-bear-skin rug so we can do it all night long." _
03:57:23 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


Looking at paintings by Lucas Cranach (the aged). He keeps putting hats on Venus -- wonder why? _
01:28:11 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


Margaret Atwood on Forum, an aside: "They're making a movie of the Iliad. Brad Pitt's going to be Achilles -- I can hardly wait."
The full original of her interview will be available here later today. If you see this entry a long time from now you'll have to search for it or something. _
01:12:57 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


Malicious gossip, edited to protect my guilty ass:
trickseyJump: oh, i told him about them getting married and he about fell out of the chair. hilarious.
glossomania: holy shit, they got married? i had no idea.
trickseyJump: she got pregnant.
glossomania: again?
trickseyJump: again.
glossomania: christ, you'd think they would have learned to use birth control by now.
trickseyJump: yup.
trickseyJump: and now, supposedly, they're living in glen burnie
glossomania: whee! _
12:36:45 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


Oh yes: I just started reading Babel Tower. Have I mentioned that A.S. Byatt rules? I read The Virgin in the Garden and Still Life about four years ago.
Anyway, I mention it because she's put a quote by Nietzsche (among others) at the start of the book: "I fear we are not getting rid of God because we still believe in grammar."
But now that I'm writing this entry, I'm remembering the person who introduced me to Byatt's works. At this point I haven't spoken to her in two years, half as long as we were friends. Funny. _
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12:26:07 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


Julia's poems: "These are different poems I wrote. I am seven years old and I am not a grown-up."
Via Languagehat, via Moss. (How else do I ever find anything cool online? He and Sumana are the best filters (filterers? "sifters" is better) I know.)
(Also -- is it ok to embed parentheses? I do it all the time. Once I had a conversation with Damian along the lines of, "If you were a tree, what tree would you be?" in which "mark of punctuation" was substituted for "tree." I said parentheses, naturally. He said exclamation mark. Fucking extrovert.) _
respond? (9)
12:13:44 PM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


I just agreed to be a friend's guinea pig for a Good Vibrations bondage workshop. I'd better get to keep my clothes on. _
respond? (4)
01:21:03 AM, Tuesday 10 June 2003


More crap about words: Of the suffixes (suffices? but that's confusing) "-ie" and "-y", the former seems more nounish to me. ("Nounly"? "Nouny"? But certainly not "nounie"!) E.g.: "hippie" vs "hippy".
(The "Johnnie"/"Johnny" thing is a separate issue. I do think that "Johnny" looks like someone's first name, though.)
Discuss. _
respond? (11)
05:17:38 PM, Monday 9 June 2003


Book recommendations for linguistics, please? At least a few of you seem to know quite a bit about this. _
respond? (5)
05:09:16 PM, Monday 9 June 2003


I love public radio drama. Today on the second hour of Forum the topic was slaughterhouses. Temple Grandin was a guest (naturally) and some freakazoid called up and disputed her autism. How random. _
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01:46:56 PM, Monday 9 June 2003


I desperately want to go thrifting but am trying to wait until I visit my parents in a few weeks. (The Salvation Army in Lodi is decidedly superior to most stores in this area.)
Unrelated, but good: rules for the apostrophe + s in the possessive. _
respond? (21)
01:15:10 PM, Monday 9 June 2003


I went to this awesome Japanese-style bathhouse in the Mission on Friday. Women only and no clothing allowed, but it's not the dyke version of those gay baths from before AIDS.
Plus I got to feel all cool and euro because I was walking around naked. _
respond? (11)
12:30:51 PM, Monday 9 June 2003


But don't we all? _
11:30:02 AM, Monday 9 June 2003


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