Sarah's Bloglet

No, really, here is all the beckcake you'll ever need. I've been sitting at my desk and alternately gigling and drooling for the past fifteen minutes. _
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03:20:49 PM, Thursday 1 May 2003


Did you ever let a cowboy sit on your lap?a> _
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02:50:51 PM, Thursday 1 May 2003


Anyone else think that lover is a disgusting word? _
respond? (7)
02:15:46 PM, Thursday 1 May 2003


Oh man oh man. I love these Thursday morning meetings, cause I can play "Deceptacon" as loud as I want. Wanna disco, wanna see me disco?/Let me hear you depoliticize my rhyme! See, that's why everyone needs to love Kathleen Hanna. Who else puts "depoliticize" into a dance song? Nobody, that's who. _
01:02:47 PM, Thursday 1 May 2003


Evidently I am Enid. Guess Melissa was right.
respond? (7)
12:58:14 PM, Thursday 1 May 2003


Thank god everyone's at a meeting. Now I can listen to Kraftwerk and blog that the ex-Navy dude who represents the GSA (for whom the building they're working on is being built) is a complete and utter asshole.

And thank you for your time. _
12:48:42 PM, Thursday 1 May 2003


Cuteness must be curtailed for the good of the people. Time to focus on the dubious and painful charms of bad posture and messy hair. _
11:41:24 AM, Thursday 1 May 2003


LeroyInAJar: so drizz:
LeroyInAJar: i have an assignment in spanish i was hoping you could help me with.
glossomania: ok
LeroyInAJar: I need to come up with 10 sentences
glossomania: using what sorts of words or grammatical structures?
LeroyInAJar: about Space Robots that are trying to take over the earth. _
respond? (4)
05:31:01 PM, Wednesday 30 April 2003


Why I *heart* Katha Pollitt: Her critique of a New York Times Magazine article that really bugged me when I read it. Brought to me by the Ms. blog, here. _
respond? (9)
01:45:39 PM, Wednesday 30 April 2003


This article, particularly. In it, Joss says, "The mission statement of this show is that this girl [Buffy] has power. Nobody knows. Nobody sees it. They don't respect her. They don't get it. But she has enormous power, and [next month's final] episode is about that as well. This episode deals very specifically with how she decides to use that power and what she thinks of it and what it's really for, and that to me is very important." _
respond? (5)
01:20:32 PM, Wednesday 30 April 2003


Ms. Magazine's blog is awesome, but especially because it's latest post (4/29, 5:41 pm -- why can't I link to anyone's blog archives today? Did I kill someone in a former life? Or reset something on IE?) is a roundup of Buffy-related articles. Hie thee thither! _
respond? (3)
12:58:09 PM, Wednesday 30 April 2003


Moss and Cassie know about this. I heard about it from Damian, who got it from Davey P.: He's so indie that his shirt don't fit. _
respond? (11)
06:48:19 PM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


"Oh my God," said Dolan, interrupting himself. "I just remembered. On concert days, he wore an ascot. An ascot. How clueless was I?" _
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05:11:51 PM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


Oh yeah -- final score, anyone? _
respond? (4)
03:39:29 PM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


And I feel like I'm on a runway off the ground/Like a bird that goes up and won't be coming down/And I die right as the the plane takes off the ground/Like a kid, I know, but I can't stand the sound/of leaving. _
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01:43:17 PM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


I'm really really glad I didn't make that neck frill for Damian to wear. _
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01:36:23 PM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


The pain I hate the most is that for which I have only myself to blame. _
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01:35:06 PM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


The song that's in my head today. _
01:13:50 PM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


I take back what I said about Roxio Easy CD Creator. Apparently my cd-burning issues are all the fault of Realplayer. A playa indeed! _
12:57:02 PM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


Rarrr. Back. Croquet was lovely. Seeing people was lovely. About the Blogswap -- I realized when I got to Damian's house that my cd burner had not been working because none of the mixes I'd made would play. I should be able to send out working cds within a week. And thank y'all for the lovely cds I received.

Now drinking coffee. Lots and lots of coffee. _
11:29:18 AM, Tuesday 29 April 2003


Speaking of which ...

Thanks Drz! _
respond? (3)
06:29:37 PM, Wednesday 23 April 2003


Go back to those gold sounds, and keep my advent to your cell _
06:27:05 PM, Wednesday 23 April 2003


Robo-rabbit = #1!!!! Never toilet! Yeah! _
respond? (2)
02:38:49 PM, Wednesday 23 April 2003


What is this shit? As Lizzie said, "Let mighty Neptune hold back his waters!"

It wouldn't be so bad if rain started near the end, though. Just so long as the players could finish the game before the lawn was ruined. We'd have to drink champagne from the bottle, but there's nothing wrong with that. _
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12:42:46 PM, Wednesday 23 April 2003


Reading Katherine's novel: I wonder how many children at Homecoming (or Croquet, for that matter) are named Sophia.

I also wonder how many other people decide what they'll wear by trying on different outfits until they find one that makes them laugh. _
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11:50:12 AM, Wednesday 23 April 2003


I forgot to tell you -- last week I saw a baby bird lying on the sidewalk. Its eyes were open but its voice was weak. Its chest was round and purplish and only partially feathered. It had tiny ineffectual wings. _
11:36:32 AM, Wednesday 23 April 2003


An odd sequence of events: I put a song from the Ghost World soundtrack on my blogsawp cd and wanted to know the artist. While I was looking at the track listing for the soundtrack I remembered how great the first song was and decided to download some songs by Mohammed Rafi. When I was playing those songs, the oldish Indian guy in the office perked up his ears. He said he thought maybe someone was playing it on the street. _
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07:52:05 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003


#3 - Law of Sonic Amplification, First Law of Anime Acoustics
In space, loud sounds, like explosions, are even louder because there is no air to get in the way.

Thanks Dave! _
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05:30:36 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003


I *heart* the term "open air drug market". _
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04:53:06 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003


Having consumed what sources described as "a substantial amount of single-malt scotch," Hitchens then burst into tears, yelling, "That woman never understood me for who I am. I want to talk to [Harper's editor Lewis] Lapham. Lapham's the only one who understands me."
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04:41:01 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003


Attack of the typos:
hellinda23: me
hellinda23: typos
hellinda23: meh
hellinda23: not me
hee. _
03:07:28 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003


The radio is playing a song by Natalie Merchant the chorus of which* goes, "I love you like I loved you the day we met." How much can that be, I wonder?

*the chorus of which: It would be so much easier to say "whose", but would that sound like Natalie Merchant = choirmistress? _
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12:41:49 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003


You probably already know this, but in case you don't: Katherine's novel is full of delights. _
12:29:39 PM, Tuesday 22 April 2003


Last night I was yawning and polishing my shoes when the phone rang. Who could it be? Sumana! I hadn't seen her in over a month. She came over for herbal tea and amused us all with anecdotes from some books she's been reading. Also we spent quite a while talking about middle school. (Really, this was a slot mroe fun than it sounds.) _
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11:36:52 AM, Tuesday 22 April 2003


That reminds me -- last night I saw a couple walking down the sidewalk in matching blue track suits and sneakers. They looked like superheroes. _
07:02:58 PM, Monday 21 April 2003


Wastee little weasel/ Wants cheap tricks ... _
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07:01:38 PM, Monday 21 April 2003


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