Remi's Bloglet

There's some new blogs on me sidebar. My friend's Sean and Ben both have LJ's, and they've been added. Sean's is a personal blog, while Ben's is a sort of roleplaying attempt. Ben writes as The Hulk, who is, in blog-form at least, an advice columnist. Crude, surreal, and, to me, very, very funny. Check the sidebar. _
02:41:01 PM, Friday 28 January 2005


Nothing _
respond? (2)
10:58:38 PM, Wednesday 26 January 2005


The new Tim Burton stop-motion feature, The Corpse Bride has a very nice-looking trailer up. Is Burton finally returning to form after years in the wilderness? _
01:32:35 PM, Friday 21 January 2005


There are some very cool music videos here. Including the White Stripes LEGO video "Fell in Love with a Girl", and Golden Shower's great, Atari Adventure, "Video Computer System". I also like this weird puppet-at-an-accident Interpol video. There's a bunch of videos for various techno artists and such, but that always strikes me as cheating, I mean, the music usually already sounds cinematic, where's the challenge in choreographing a video to it? Overall though, there's some excellent stuff there. _
respond? (2)
12:12:53 AM, Thursday 20 January 2005


A thing I've been working on. Two versions, fuzzy or not-fuzzy?

[Update] Thanks for all the feedback, folks! The not-fuzz's have it! Here's a cleaned-up version. I had also not gotten the lighting effects on the topmost purple zombie, so I put those back in. It looked a little odd, everything else being somewhat sculpted and her being all flat. _
respond? (9)
12:46:03 PM, Monday 17 January 2005


This beautiful, simple, silly little flash game is a lot of fun. The ending's a little so-so, but the journey is so weird and whimsical, I can forgive it.

(via Moira's LJ) _
12:20:03 AM, Monday 17 January 2005


There's nothing to do The city's been dead Since you've been gone¦ _
12:18:47 AM, Monday 17 January 2005


I've set up a bloglines feed, so if you're interested in what I'm reading, here it is. _
respond? (8)
03:54:21 AM, Saturday 15 January 2005


Anyone have any podcasts they listen to? I'd prefer more music than talk, but if there's a particularly good chatter out there, I'm game (Please, don't suggest the Al Franken Show). _
11:57:50 PM, Friday 14 January 2005


A whiteboy illustrator has the same name as Ol Dirty Bastard, and gets his phone calls. Hilarity ensues. _
respond? (1)
11:56:27 PM, Tuesday 11 January 2005


Hunter and Painter a neat little 15-panel strip with wonderfully simple art that ran in the Guardian late last year. _
12:05:36 PM, Tuesday 11 January 2005


Liz's tracklist, for 'Songs About Songs' is here. _
respond? (2)
04:08:46 PM, Wednesday 29 December 2004


My blogswap CD, 6 Over 10, has apparently gotten into folks hands. Here's the tracklist:
1. The Tain-The Decemberists-18:35
This song is epic, and it's vaguely based on an epic! Badass imagery, music like you've never heard from Colin Meloy and Co (including some as-hard-rock-as-they're-gonna-get guitar & organ heroics). This song goes and goes, constantly changing, but always referencing earlier bits musically and lyrically. An awesome achievement. (I feel a little bad putting an entire EP on a mix, but this song is one track, and the EP is 8-10 bucks, so it's unlikely you'd hear it in it entirety otherwise. If you love The Tain as much as I do, buy the CD.)

2. Zombie - Fela Kuti-12:25
This song is Funk. It will make you bob your head, it wil make you tap your feet (if you're at all inclined that way). The horn sound alone is worth the price of admission and the wailing call-and-response absolutely brings the entire house down. I can barely descibe this song, except to say that it is awesome.

3. The Gift (Live) - The Velvet Underground - 10:33
I prefer this version, off Live MCMXCIII, to the original from White Light/White Heat. The vocals are more energetic, the band cooks a little more, and the punchline is that much more cruel and funny. It might not bear the repeated listenings that the rest of the songs on this mix will, but it's a solid, funny performance.

4. Miles Runs the Voodoo Down - Bitches Brew - 14:04
This is an incredibly sleazy, slow-cooking tune. Despite its meandering, Voodoo just keeps becoming eerier, more menacing, the bass and drums pounding out subtle variations on the rhythm, and the soloists chasing each other through the twisting streets of sound.

5. Quay Cur - The Fiery Furnaces - 10:25
I've talked about my love for this song earlier, but even after living with it for a couple months, it's still great. I love the story, the feeling of travel, the way the song shifts from glitchy electro-folk to acoustic rock opera and back again and again. I love the word vomit and the sing song vocals. It just gets more engaging each time, and it works as background or foreground music.

6. Reza - Jaco Pastorius - 10:36
Jaco Pastorius was the self-proclaimed 'World's Greatest Bass Player' (a claim that was backed up by his prodigious skill, both composing and performing). Reza is from his big band 'Birthday Concert' album, which is more a 'big band' than a Jaco solo album, and, for me, is the highlight of the album. From the 'Where do you want to go from here? I got it, I got it, I GOT IT! *GONG*' through the timid intro, and on into its many thunderous crescendos. The sound of adventure itself.

I made this mix because there were quite a few songs that would simply ruin a mix if I just plopped them on a list of shorter songs, so I put them together in one mighty tracklist. All of the songs on this mix are worth a serious listen or two (and most more than that), I hope you enjoy them. _
respond? (4)
04:05:50 PM, Wednesday 29 December 2004


So apparently societies with more lefties are more violent. It's a wonder that St. John's didn't regularly explode in violence and bloodshed. _
respond? (1)
10:14:28 PM, Monday 27 December 2004


Happy Birthday, Liz! I love you. Here is to many more happy years together. _
respond? (1)
07:42:57 AM, Saturday 25 December 2004


Thanks to all for the kind congrats-on-the-move words. We're still in the midst of unpacking, but have explored our immediate area, found me a comic shop, eaten at Elmo's (again), and generally found that this is a very nice neighborhood to live in. Tuxedo (el gato) has adjusted to life and seems to like our new, toasty, electric blanket. A couple specific memos in earlier comments. My e-mail address is my last name (treuer) at gmail dot com. _
02:08:24 PM, Wednesday 22 December 2004


Does anyone know anything about Skype? Does it work? Is it shady? Is there a catch? It seems too good to be true. _
respond? (2)
11:26:00 PM, Monday 20 December 2004


Real Climate, a group of Climate scientists, very politely, but thoroughly, beats the ass off Michael Chrichton's new book. Twice. _
02:16:34 PM, Monday 20 December 2004


I'm moving to Durham this weekend. _
respond? (7)
08:52:04 PM, Thursday 16 December 2004


A roughish mix of a song I recorded in a wild 5-hour session with some friends. It's got a lot of fun stereo stuff so listen to it on headphones or between well-attenuated (is that the word? I have no idea) speakers. Lyrics for those that need 'em. _
respond? (2)
06:47:35 PM, Tuesday 14 December 2004


Because I am a slothful monkey, the blogswap CD's will be mailed out not-today. I apologize, Julia, I'll get them in the mail by Monday. _
respond? (5)
01:56:15 PM, Friday 10 December 2004


I think I linked to the blog before, but I'll reiterate that I'm really enjoying Mike Doughty's blog. Right now he's finishing up a new album, and news of this is mixed with reminiscences of Asheville hippy rappers and photos of children gone savage. Good stuff from a jovial and articulate man. _
09:59:08 AM, Sunday 5 December 2004


Textbook Disclaimer Stickers.

(I'm back from a 10-day visit with my parents in Eureka Springs, AK. Had a wonderful time and am now back in front of my computer.) _
01:14:07 AM, Thursday 2 December 2004


David Sirota, of the Washington Monthly, writes about the remarkable campaign that swept Democrat Brian Schweitzer into the Montana Governorship, as well as paving the way for the Dem takeover of the Montana Senate.

Short Version: A good candidate with a tough, empowering populist message can work wonders, even in the most hardcore of the so-called Red States. _
01:28:14 AM, Saturday 13 November 2004


DUDE! I didn't realize Sarah Vowell voiced a character in The Incredibles! _
respond? (2)
08:58:27 AM, Friday 5 November 2004


The Purple Map. The Red and Blue mixes together to form Purple. Utah, of course, a nearly pure Red. _
respond? (2)
08:10:30 PM, Thursday 4 November 2004


And, because everyone else is quoting songs. This is not really completely on topic, but this one line sums it up for me. Perhaps a little more metaphorically than usual . . .
pick up your pick axe and rend!
-Fiery Furnaces 'Chris Michaels' _
11:44:02 PM, Wednesday 3 November 2004


Well, it's been quite a day. Here's my synopsis:
11:32:43 PM, Wednesday 3 November 2004


Media Matters is tracking which network calls what states when. Probably a good place to look for results. Moss informs me he will also be looking at the CNN results.
BBC Flashy-map with liveupdating (thanks Moss!)
A lighter-weight C-SPAN interactive map
Any more? _
07:11:01 PM, Tuesday 2 November 2004


note: this after projections for, uh, 4 states. don't panic. or rejoice. or whatever. _
06:59:25 PM, Tuesday 2 November 2004


I was going to do a 'Vote' banner, but Matt Haughey's get out the vote page kicks any idea I would have had in the gonads. _
03:43:53 PM, Tuesday 2 November 2004


Urgent thingee from Warren Ellis for folks in that California-state:
Last minute thing: Êexcellent Berkeley store Comic Relief are getting evicted from their premises. I'll be signing there Thursday, 5-7pm, to say goodbye to the current location and to support the moving process. Come by and buy a comic.
More details on DPH,
12:18:17 AM, Tuesday 2 November 2004


On the recommendation of the independant weekly here, I checked out the Libertarian candidate for Public Service Commissioner, Jayne Hudnall. While I don't believe that total deregulation of the electricity industry is always a healthy move, I like that she couches it as a way to allow renewable energy into the market, and that she realizes people would be willing to pay more for Green power. I certainly would at least like the option, and so I'm probably going to vote for her. Plus, who better to make sure a free market stays free than a rabid Libertarian? _
03:52:42 PM, Monday 1 November 2004


I've been enjoying Click Opera, Momus's livejournal. I don't know his music, but I like his blog. He writes clearly, in long chunks, and there's a lot of thought and evaluation present, almost as if he's refining his aesthetic and philosophical ideas constantly and putting these ruminations up on the web for all of us to share. There's enough meat on his arguments that, if you were so inclined, you could actually have a useful conversation about whichever topic has grabbed his attention (whether it's the lack of color in fasion, or the 'shrinkwrapping' of political positions) and it wouldn't automatically devolve into the usual 'yes it is/no it isn't' of seemingly every other conversation on the internet.

Click Opera is everything this blog isn't. _
12:07:02 AM, Monday 1 November 2004


A really wonderful little Shockwave puzzle. There's a printable version, too! Share with your friends! _
11:13:16 PM, Sunday 31 October 2004


Huh, apparently Red Sox pitcher Curt Schilling is a big wargamer-type, and even has a hand in Multiman Publishing, the current publishers of ultra-hardcore wargame Advanced Squad Leader. _
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01:09:54 AM, Sunday 31 October 2004


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AIM: Tlon Orbis

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