Remi's Bloglet

My sister is here! She just called this morning and said, "Hey, can I come?" and we were all "Hell Ya!" and it rained and we ordered yummy Chinese food and played board games all night. _
respond? (5)
12:03:54 AM, Sunday 9 November 2003


Ladies and Gentlemen, The Decemberists are my new favorite band. Thank you. (listen to the stunningly great The Soldiering Life!) _
respond? (1)
11:39:52 PM, Friday 7 November 2003


Payday, a pile of new music, and a relaxing dinner with my sweetie. It doesn't get much better, friend. _
respond? (1)
08:21:08 PM, Friday 7 November 2003


The first of 52 weekly updates is up for Grunt Growl & Tear! Yee! _
11:51:31 PM, Thursday 6 November 2003


Hey, kids! The Onion interviews Ira Glass. _
respond? (2)
09:22:19 AM, Wednesday 5 November 2003


Okay, Disney have completely lost their collective shit. (based on the paintings of one Gary Baseman).
[via boingboing] _
respond? (3)
04:57:12 PM, Tuesday 4 November 2003


Nooooo! Run, Philippe, run! _
respond? (2)
08:59:02 AM, Monday 3 November 2003


One of the cats is drinking out of the faucet. _
respond? (5)
06:42:49 PM, Sunday 2 November 2003


Tim Broderick's excellent Odd Jobs is now available in a print edition. The storyline 'Something to Build Upon' is great, and Odd Jobs started out as, and remains, one of the best-written, grittiest webcomics out there. If you don't feel like spending thirty bucks to get a years subscription to Modern Tales, throw a little money Tim's way and support his art. _
respond? (1)
05:50:20 PM, Saturday 1 November 2003


YEE! Grunt Growl and Tear is live! The full version of the game is up. Please, please play the game. It's a load of fun and all you need is some counters and two decks of playing cards. We provide everything else, the rules, the monsters, monster pawns, and maps, FREE! Along with weekly updates of new content (new maps, monsters, and rules), we're also accepting fan submissions in the hopes of creating a cozy little board game community. _
respond? (7)
05:31:27 PM, Friday 31 October 2003


There's been a lot of Ira Glass love on the blogmass recently, and I love the big dork, but being a straight dude, I gotta let the flag fly for TAL's resident history nerd, Sarah Vowell. Her 'Partly Cloudy Patriot' audiobook is awesome. It's got cool people doing various voices of historical figures and They Might Be Giants on the interstitial music. A classy, funny, and entertaining collection, on par with Daniel Pinkwater's "Chicago Days, Hoboken Nights". There's even an extended story involving the 2000 presidential elections and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Please Sarah, teach me more.

(if you want a quick shot of Ms. Vowell's science, her eulogy for Johnny Cash, about 45 minutes into the 9/19 'What Is This Thing?' show, is amazing)

Also, the Wrens 'Meadowlands' fucking rules. Dense, depressing, beautifully hopeful pop songs. Listen to the excellent 'Everyone Chooses Sides' on the Absolutely Kosher site. _
respond? (2)
12:14:28 AM, Friday 31 October 2003


A bunch of dorks test the space-worthiness of the Starship Enterprise. Mmmmmm, holographic interferometry. _
respond? (1)
08:12:27 PM, Tuesday 28 October 2003


As a lead-up to the October 31st release of Grunt Growl and Tear, we're releasing a couple desktops featuring the monsters. They've got silly Playboy-style datasheets along with a full color illustration. The first is six-handed kung fu master Fung Ku. _
respond? (3)
08:06:40 AM, Monday 27 October 2003


John Lewis kicks the shit out of the anti-gay-marriage argument. _
respond? (1)
06:09:27 PM, Saturday 25 October 2003


The kitchen looks like it has been hit by a chocolate apocalypse. _
respond? (5)
07:12:35 PM, Thursday 23 October 2003


Okay, this is the weirdest solution to a tech problem ever. _
respond? (5)
06:38:22 PM, Monday 20 October 2003


For you gamers out there. The World's Shortest (Yet Technically Complete) Adventure: The Orc and the Pie by Monte Cook. _
respond? (1)
08:29:01 PM, Sunday 19 October 2003


New Frontalot song! _
respond? (1)
10:57:53 PM, Friday 17 October 2003


At long last I've update my sidebar. _
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10:50:21 PM, Friday 17 October 2003


Holy crap! Phil Foglio has done a 2-page Good Omens cartoon! _
respond? (3)
09:46:40 PM, Friday 17 October 2003


Warren Ellis ends 'busking week' with one last howl from Spider Jerusalem. A shit-your-pants funny take on American politics and culture taken to the extreme edge of sanity and back.

In some countries, Jerry Orbach has become a cargo-cult figure. They don't understand the language or much of the situations. They comprehend only that Jerry Orbach is immortal.
respond? (1)
09:35:09 PM, Friday 17 October 2003


After two months the board game I've been working on has been released! Grunt Growl & Tear (download all the pieces here) is a game of monster combat. The hook? You can pull off your opponent's limbs and attach them to yourself to increase your power and rule the field!

This is a limited release of the game with three monsters and two maps. The full release will come out in two weeks at Enjoy! _
respond? (2)
07:12:12 PM, Friday 17 October 2003


Well, I'm working again, however temporarily, for TSARS. The test prompt is way wiggity-whack, but I met a guy who occasionally shortens his name to 'Zam', so it all balances out in the end. Some of you may remember my ninja fixation last time I worked the TSARS for cash, and that lust for limber men (and women) in face masks and tight black body suits has returned. Seeing how I'm going to be pumping the TSARS teat for all of November, it is very likely that my NaGraNo will somehow involve these shadowy assasins in some kind of goofy hi-jinks. _
respond? (1)
10:59:33 PM, Thursday 16 October 2003


Is it a sign of moral weakness that I covet what amounts to collections of advertisements on DVD? That some of these videos and ads may be among the most creative work produced in the nineties eases the sting a little. Damn, so much covetousness. _
respond? (4)
11:49:05 PM, Monday 13 October 2003


This week Warren Ellis is busking, which in this case means spurting out more bizarro micro-fiction, one per day, in the hopes that people will throw some cash his way. The week is looking up. _
respond? (1)
09:58:15 AM, Monday 13 October 2003


Sir Mix-A-Lot. In Latin!
magnae clunes mihi placent, nec possum de hac re mentiri.
(Large buttocks are pleasing to me, nor am I able to lie concerning this matter.)
[via boingboing] _
respond? (9)
07:29:34 AM, Sunday 12 October 2003


The Hermitary, a resource on hermits, recluses, eremiticism, and solitude. I know there's some folks on the 'mass who are into being alone, and this is a sort of interesting bundle o' info. There's also a blog
[via mefi] _
respond? (2)
07:26:02 AM, Sunday 12 October 2003


The art class I signed up for got cancelled. Oh Well. _
respond? (2)
08:37:15 PM, Friday 10 October 2003


Some friends of mine are in a band called The After. They're good folks who play good, classic rock inspired, music, with the radical twist that the songs are actually well-written and wonderful. I can't say enough how happy I am that the confluence of events has brought these four guys together. Download their music and enjoy! _
respond? (2)
08:53:29 AM, Friday 10 October 2003


Hm, maybe my next mix will be a 'Best of Man...Or Astroman' mix. Granted, I'd have to put large swaths of 'Live From Uranus' on there, but who doesn't need more spaced out surf rock, especially the cream of the crop from an extremely prolific band? _
respond? (1)
11:34:30 PM, Wednesday 8 October 2003


This is a very interesting test. _
respond? (16)
08:00:49 PM, Tuesday 7 October 2003


During my first semester of my Freshman year at St. John's a treasurer was elected to the DC, a freshman named Ari Chester. Ari's win was notable for a few reasons. First, he actually campaigned, complete with a 'campaign manager' and campaign promises, which is a little strange for a campus as apolitical as SJC. Second, within months of his ascending to the post, there was a pretty big scandal (centered around the Film Club not getting their money in time to pay the movie companies, and deep-sixing their ability to continue). Move were made to impeach Ari, and a mini-flap ensued, resulting in Ari stepping down and the DC reinstating the rule that Freshmen couldn't be DC Officers.

The entire flap is best embodied by these posters, which get considerably more humorous as they go along. If anyone else has some extra detail to fill in on this rather amusing chapter in Polity history, I'd love to hear from you. I'll synthesize all the comments into an index page for the posters. _
respond? (14)
06:07:38 PM, Friday 3 October 2003


WARNING LEVEL: DOOM! A Fancy Froglin fan cartoon! Not for the prudish. _
respond? (5)
01:17:06 AM, Friday 3 October 2003


I really have no desire to do NaNoWriMo, mostly because I have no aspirations towards being a writer. Yes, yes, I know, it doesn't have to be any good, but if I'm going to spend a month on a project, I want something to show for it, something to polish. It doesn't help that I don't really enjoy writing at length, either.

However, I do like the idea of these 'Ironman' type challenges. Nano is like the 24 hour comic with less intense work over a longer period. I'd also like to try some sort of project during November, to express some solidarity with my Nanoing brothers and sisters and move away from the still burning pain of the Secretland rejection and towards some serious comics creation.

Therefore, I'm going to do a one-man National Graphic Novel Creator Month, or NaGraNoCreMo (ouch, that's painful to look at). I haven't decided on a length, but I'm leaning towards it being a 60 page fully finished product, which I can tighten and run through Photoshop when I'm done. How did I arrive at 60 pages? Well, Nano folks have to write 1,700 words a day, and a picture is worth a thousand words, so rounding up (which is only fair) is 2 pages a day. I'll roughly script out the dialog, but that won't be added until the aforementioned Photoshop step. Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. See you in November! _
respond? (3)
10:16:56 PM, Thursday 2 October 2003


It doesn't have the clearest navigation, but the design is beautiful and well worth a little frustration. Russian Prison tattoos. There's some nudity.
[via mefi] _
respond? (1)
07:10:13 PM, Thursday 2 October 2003


Mirabai, I have a copy of Bugsy Malone for you if you want it. _
respond? (8)
05:10:29 PM, Thursday 2 October 2003


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AIM: Tlon Orbis

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Too Fat Comics
Bunches of Comics! Updated irregularly.

Grunt Growl & Tear
A Web Serial Board Game of Monster Mayhem!

Other Bloglets:
(creator and host of this Bloglet)
Gateway to the St. John's Blogmass

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Dave Wisdom
Invisible Broadcast System

Other Blogs I Like:
Warren Ellis
Greg Costikyan
Tom Tomorrow
Travis Morrison

Ko Fight Club
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Something Positive
Toriyama World
Get Fuzzy
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The After
MC Frontalot
Robyn Hitchcock

Other Resources:
Athen's Independent Weekly