Remi's Bloglet

Blah Blah Blah Borscht Blah Blah Blah. _
05:09:36 PM, Friday 17 August 2001


One of the things I really like about Dragonball Z is its penchant for excessively overstated dialog. Even the most minor of exchanges carries the feeling that the entire world is in danger. Especially great is the voice actor for Vejita, one of the characters who goes from villain to a sort of bizarrely motivated hero. The guy who does Vejita's voice (yes, I love the dubbed DBZ, the Japanese voices are just as bad) has done what Mike Judge did with Beavis and Butthead, created a voice that has distinct mannerisms, but that anyone with any vocal facility can imitate. It's the recipe for a great and memorable character. Look at Homer Simpson's "Doh!". Vejita's voice is also the height of overdramatic cheese, thus marking the ability to say "I can't believe it's not butter" as Vejita into a strangely appropriate comic moment.

For an example of what Vejita sounds like go here. There are several sound clips, some long, some short. I would suggest "I am the Prince of all Saiyans once again!" for the best taste. _
01:01:18 AM, Friday 17 August 2001


I want . . . I don't know what I want. I want to do something fun and active. There are auditions for plays at UGA, but I don't know if they're open to non-students. I would enjoy acting, but maybe they only want thin, lithe actors. Heck, they're doing Measure for Measure, but i'm sort of on the fence as to whether I want to be in that again after having been in a near-perfect version already. We shall see. Been practicing drums, and no one's told me to stop, so I must be playing really softly or not-badly enough to truly annoy people (including Liz). Maybe I'll be in a band. There's so much I have access to in this town. It's kind of freaky. Instead of feeling put out that there's a long distance between myself and things, there's tons of stuff happening within easy walking distance, and I feel kind of numbed by the sheer amount of stuff I would like to sample. Athens is like a very small New York, tailored to my interests. _
12:12:17 AM, Friday 17 August 2001


Neil Gaiman used the word 'neeped':

I was interviewed by a nice guy with amazing spectacles named Roberto but at the end, when he asked me to sign his book, he handed me a gorgeous fountain pen filled with sepia ink, and we neeped about ink and pens for a few moments.

From his blog. _
respond? (4)
05:25:56 AM, Thursday 16 August 2001


I am writing on The Baron once again, and will hopefully not be interrupted by a pesky life change this time.

So finish your stories already, or join one already in progress. _
02:53:53 AM, Thursday 16 August 2001


Ladies and gentlemen, The Indigo Girls have left the building. _
03:02:23 AM, Wednesday 15 August 2001


Bridgie, whom I don't even know, but who is linked to from several of the Johnny bloglets (and who is a future Johnny herself) is quoted in the Salon article on camgirls today. Just thought folks would like to know.
The section where she's quoted. _
respond? (1)
10:55:20 AM, Monday 13 August 2001


You know it's bad when you feel like running out and reading TS Eliot. _
respond? (4)
05:06:59 PM, Sunday 12 August 2001


If anyone would like a copy of the audio recording I have of Lysistrata, I now have the ability to easily copy it. Joy! _
respond? (9)
02:39:59 AM, Friday 10 August 2001


I have no idea how this makes me feel. Oh, wait, Gary Groth hates everyone. Read the Comics Journal, it's true. _
respond? (6)
01:56:44 AM, Thursday 9 August 2001


Being a once and future fish love there are little pellets you can give your fish that will sort of release a certain amount of food during X duration. I think they go as long as a month. Of course, you could just get someone who is staying in town (they exist!) to feed your fish. Of course, you might not feel comfortable having people in your house while you're not there. Good luck! Enjoy your fish! _
07:50:28 PM, Wednesday 8 August 2001


Crazed TRL Fangirl: I saw you guys in Fresno last year, and my question is, are you as crazy offstage as you are onstage?

TRL Nü Metal Band of the Moment: Nah, we read books. _
04:15:36 PM, Monday 6 August 2001


Not only is it unimpressive, it's stupid, too. A look back, or more of what's to come? _
11:00:10 AM, Monday 6 August 2001


It's like writers block, but with work. _
05:06:57 PM, Saturday 4 August 2001


Why do I do this to myself? _
03:58:37 AM, Thursday 2 August 2001


This is the funniest thing I've read from The Onion in a while. _
01:12:10 AM, Wednesday 1 August 2001


While peeking about randomly for stuff that might actually, y'know, teach me how to play the drums (at least, beyond boom-boom-chucka-chucka, which I'm damn good at) I ran across It's a support site for people with leathermans or something . . . _
respond? (1)
10:33:38 PM, Tuesday 31 July 2001


Whew, finally getting down to work. Money, or at leasting having a little, is good. _
10:12:10 PM, Tuesday 31 July 2001


Went into Wuxtry today. It's a very open, not terribly well-stocked vinyl shop for the most part. The have a small hallway on the side of the building for new CD's. I was feeling like I wasn't cool enough to be in the shop, but then the clerks started talking about Ghost World, and I realized I was in a geek shop. _
03:15:23 PM, Monday 30 July 2001


Went into Wuxtry today. It's a very open, not terribly well-stocked vinyl shop for the most part. The have a small hallway on the side of the building for new CD's. I was feeling like I wasn't cool enough to be in the shop, but then they started talking about Ghost World, and I realized I was in a geek shop. _
03:15:04 PM, Monday 30 July 2001


I am in Athens now. Liz's mom's family showed up en masse and helped us move in, which was great, because we had quite a bit of stuff to haul up to the fourth floor. Everyone was a good sport and we had tacos for lunch. Liz and I, when everyone had left, loafed for a while and then went out to look around downtown athens for a while. It's pretty funky. There's a starbucks, but it's right next to a busy cafe. I saw Wuxtry (a vaguely famous Athens record store, looks like Oceans II with more indie cred)but didn't go in. Also saw the Georgia Music Theatre (or something) where David Byrne is playing at the end of August. This town is sort of like Austin, but with a small town feel. The apartment is a five minute walk from downtown. For those from Annapolis, about as far as gate three was from the Ramshead, not a bad walk at all. The University is right across the street. This is a very promising beginning. _
10:54:54 AM, Monday 30 July 2001


Moving fucking sucks. Never do it more than once a month, never four times in a year, and never, ever, across long distances each time. _
03:46:15 PM, Thursday 26 July 2001


If you want to laugh at me. _
06:28:20 PM, Wednesday 25 July 2001


That's brilliant _
11:07:00 AM, Wednesday 25 July 2001


There's another Gorillaz quote at the bottom of Penny Arcade today. It's from 19/2000, the video for which is currently playing at the Gorillaz website. The Gorillaz are also up for a couple of MTV music video awards for the Clint Eastwood video (which I linked to before). _
11:01:03 AM, Wednesday 25 July 2001


Dish! Dish! _
09:47:39 PM, Tuesday 24 July 2001


If you're interested in reading the archives of Too Fat to be a Rockstar, please go to
here. I should have the front page updated soon. _
09:11:51 PM, Tuesday 24 July 2001


If you're interested in reading the archives of Too Fat to be a Rockstar, please go to
09:11:32 PM, Tuesday 24 July 2001


Why Mirabai Shouldn't Join the Navy
by Remi Treuer

The Navy is part of the military. The military is an extension of the government, which diverts money to the military. This money could be used for social programs, science, the arts, instead of an organization whose primary reason for existence is to be a destructive entity. As a member of the military you will be tacitly approving these appropriations and the stated purpose of the armed forces.

When you are being trained by the Navy your skills will largely be used to help those in the military, and, unless you want to make the argument that everyone should be in the military and too bad if they aren't, not those whom might be in greater need. In times of war you may be asked to heal those who are fighting for a cause you don't believe in, and you may be prevented from helping those who are not on your side, no matter how innocent.

They will attempt to brainwash you. You will not be allowed to be yourself. My sister is pretty gung-ho, and she finds the conservatism and anti-female bias present in the armed forces disconcerting (correct me if I'm wrong, Zoë).

There are programs that will pay for your training if you will serve in rural-type areas (Liz has informed me of this).

The end does not justify the means.

I won't like you anymore. _
respond? (6)
07:37:11 PM, Tuesday 24 July 2001


Some people may ask, "Remi, why did you take your comic site down?"

I answer, "I let my domain run out and I don't have the inclination nor the scanner to do a comic. I had fun, and did some cool comics, and I will probably return to it, but not now. I need something that's a little more social." _
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06:03:07 PM, Tuesday 24 July 2001


Athens. _
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02:56:54 PM, Monday 23 July 2001


Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you The Japanese Ghost World Trailer. I think this trailer gives a better idea of what the movie is like, if only because you can apparently say, "Fuck" on TV in Japan. _
respond? (3)
05:00:07 PM, Sunday 22 July 2001


Ladies and gentlemen, i present to you _
04:59:44 PM, Sunday 22 July 2001


I bought an album by a band called Three Walls Down when i was in high school. I bought it because it was produced by Mike Mills and a review I read had said they sounded like REM, whom I was a huge fan of at the time. I think I forced myself to like that album, because I listened to it about a week ago and it was really terrible. I wonder if Three Walls Down is related to Three Doors Down? They're about equally terrible. _
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10:47:10 AM, Thursday 19 July 2001


Has anyone seen Song Fight? It's pretty cool. The idea is usually better than the songs, though. Or, at least, I think I could write a better song than some of the ones submitted. Hmmmmmm. . . _
05:20:58 PM, Tuesday 17 July 2001


The next generation in 'reality' TV: Murder in Small Town X.

The scariest thing about this show is the fact that it was made. _
12:25:30 PM, Tuesday 17 July 2001


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