Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

Frogspawn. _
01:55:41 AM, Tuesday 3 January 2006

Roll me over, Piping Plover. Roll me over, peck the ground, and do it again. _
01:50:08 AM, Tuesday 3 January 2006

Abba brand Dill-Flavored Cod Roe. _
01:13:30 AM, Tuesday 3 January 2006

I am a stenofiend. Been blowing up starships with the power of my phonetic strokin' for hours, yo. It's fun. This is what my machine looks like. Sometimes I wish I had filters so that those of you bored to tears by this stuff could avoid seeing it, but I don't know as I'd be posting anything else to amuse you instead. I'm honing myself, and it's good for me, but it makes me a dull conversationalist. It's temporary, though, I swear. Just a couple years to go. I go back to work tomorrow, though I'm off school 'til the 10th. K. and I saw King Kong last night. Ripping stuff. She got me two books on the Medieval world by Terry Jones for Christmas: Who Murdered Chaucer and Medieval Lives. We flipped through 'em a bit last night, but I'm roaring to get into the pith of 'em, as soon as I finish my present to her (she's a fast reader and a generous), China Mieville's Looking for Jake. Gonna climb into bed with it and try to nod off by midnight.

Public apologies: Ariadne, Christopher, and Porter, I owe you phone calls. I'm sorry for being such a slacker-- I swear I'll get over my phone phobia very soon and we'll have a lovely conversation. But I'm grateful for your indulgence in the mean time. Please forgive me. :`/ _
respond? (3)
11:37:55 PM, Monday 2 January 2006

This is how:

Image hosted by _
06:07:23 AM, Saturday 31 December 2005

Who, strange to say, still exist. _
01:39:17 AM, Saturday 31 December 2005


Mozart vs. Octopus: The Eternal Struggle

That is all. _
respond? (3)
12:11:35 AM, Saturday 31 December 2005

I've been online for a little under six hours. Pretty horrifying. But I swear I'll cut myself back to my 1.5 hour (2 on weekends) ration starting tomorrow. And, really, if you spread 'em out over the six days I was in Montana, it's not so bad as all that.

K. and I went home and we did various glorious things-- saw Narnia and A Child's Christmas in Wales, consumed Solo and sundry other Norwegian delicacies, slept all Gibsonically on a big tempurfoam floor bed, saw Michael and William and Jack (and Loryn, who is, alas, blogless) and 'B. and S. and frikkin' mindmeltingly beautiful H. (I know, the initials are a bit much, but I'm not sure what their threshold for online namedropping is) and of course my parents and my beast. We walked in the dark, we jawed about opera and Asclepius, and all was grand, though I missed Robert and his girl pretty fierce. We're hoping to make the transcontinental hop one of these days-- it's cheap enough, and I can't go on not seeing 'em like this for much longer.

My mom got me the 52-pocket gadget jacket I've been coveting for three years, and GLARM but I love it. It's perfect, perfect, perfect. I was also an idiot and put my phone in my luggage instead of in my pocket going home, so its screen got cracked to hell, and I had to buy a new one. It's awright, 'cause I was gonna use the money for contact lenses I didn't really need, and this thing is a beaut, I gotta say. It's got a camera and it can blog (see below) and I'm well pleased. Now I've gotta gerroff this chair and tidy the place up a bit, since we're planning a mellow New Year's up here, with Indian Food and Fry & Laurie and you-know-what at midnight. Can't wait.

I'm happy. _
12:10:10 AM, Saturday 31 December 2005

Flog from bone! _
respond? (2)
11:33:12 PM, Friday 30 December 2005

You know, it's not just that I'm a horrible slacker internet junkie. I have actually kept up my quota for yesterday and today, but I want to do tommorow's shows early so I can walk my suitcase the hundred blocks down to K.'s place before nightfall. And I honestly, seriously wanna freakin' finish the damn things. But I can't type at this desk without it hurting either my wrists, my back, or my shoulders after a few minutes. I've tried everything-- sitting stock straight on the low rolling chair, balancing the detachable keyboard rest on my knees, crouching on my trumpet case with my knees splayed out on the seat of the chair (that seems to work best, and is how I finished most of the shows yesterday). At work, I have an office chair that's high enough so if I sink all the way down in it so I'm nearly horizontal I can keep things up for a while without anything going awry. But here-- when I only have a few freelance shows to do, it's okay. I do it, I knot up, and I'm usually unknotted by the time I wake up the next morning. But it's wearing on this kind of scale. What I really, really want is to be quick enough at steno so that I can get a Gemini. Then I can type all day with my toes hooked on something and my knees pulled up to my chest. That's how I'm most comfortable. That or sitting between two straight surfaces with my knees and back resting on each. Whenever I sit down, I get antsy unless I can double myself up. Anyone else like that? Besides David Sedaris, of course. It's why I like bus trips so much, and never wrangle for shotgun in the car. Where's it come from? I get yelled at in class all the time for contorting myself. I just like having all my limbs pulled close. Anyway, better try to knock out a few more before getting a little sleep. Friday we fly to Montana and I get to see my dad, brother, nephew, and cat for the first time in a year and four months. _
respond? (4)
03:15:23 AM, Thursday 22 December 2005

You don't know if it's your brain or your glasses until you try cleaning your glasses. _
08:14:46 PM, Wednesday 21 December 2005

I just sat at my computer, excluding a handful of short breaks to eat and go to the bathroom, for 21 hours.

I'm stupid. _
respond? (1)
05:00:15 AM, Wednesday 21 December 2005

I'm just sitting around being foolish when there is work to be done. _
respond? (5)
01:21:11 AM, Wednesday 21 December 2005

Blood for oil! _
06:37:47 PM, Tuesday 20 December 2005

You know, this transit strike might not be so bad after all. I'll just buy some RadiKS Smartwheels and a magnapoon, and deduct 'em as business expenses. _
04:28:32 PM, Monday 19 December 2005

God, I'm glad I'm not a sociopath. I'm going to keep choosing not to be a sociopath. I don't think I'd like it. _
respond? (5)
06:27:19 PM, Saturday 17 December 2005

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It was the PWEPBG/*AL TAOEUG/*ER in his latrine, I reckon. _
respond? (5)
02:10:41 AM, Tuesday 13 December 2005

A paper on the peculiar gender bias in court reporting I was talking about earlier. _
01:38:52 AM, Tuesday 13 December 2005

O.o.C.Q.o.t.D.: "It'll be a St. George / Giant Sloth / Beowulf sort of thing." _
11:16:46 PM, Saturday 10 December 2005

The French cafe across the street serves grog.

That should be the first line of a sonnet, shouldn't it?

The French cafe across the street serves grog. _
respond? (8)
09:18:57 AM, Friday 9 December 2005

Mirabai Knight

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