Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

Internet Explorer is GOOD for your baby!

Um. No, it really really ain't. No baby of mine gonna go out in public without a good solid dose of tabbed browsing, I tell you. Mozilla Mamas for Mentomeckelian Mulishness!

So anyway. I'm here. I've got a place to stay the month at, a shiny new little snapping silver cel phone (917 576 4989), and a disposition that could melt storm clouds into sugar water. Laws, but it's exciting. My glorious girl took me out for authentic city pizza last night, and tomorrow I'm gonna get me a PO Box to plaster on my resume.

You want a good omen? Ok, remember me mentioning Street of Crocodiles? Ever since seeing the animation, I've wanted to read the book. I've tried every library and practically every bookstore in Montana, but no one seemed to have it or even to have heard of it. I walk into the room I'm gonna be staying in for the first week (I'm subletting from two Columbia grad students, a creative writing major from North Carolina and a dramaturgy major from Australia. But the latter's gone right now, and the former's going on the 15th, at which point I switch rooms.) and there the damn thing is, on the bedside table. And, what's better, its owner seems the type who wouldn't mind if I borrowed and read it, ever so gently. So yeee!

Plus, there's internet. Dunno whose (it's called "Turtle") or how long I'll be able to use it, but that's the lovely thing about wireless access. It's so fickle and invisible and all. So. I gotta feed myself and do a little laundry sometime between now and doomsday, but right now I'm just reveling. Life is fantastic. _
respond? (10)
02:58:31 PM, Sunday 8 August 2004

Blogging from an office in the glossy praetorian heart of the Evil Empire. Am enjoying the company of brother and awesome girlfriend enormously. Er, by which I mean their proximity and conversation. Their place of employment I can take or leave. I mean, it's nice and all. Free bagels, brilliant geeks from foreign lands, wooded surroundings, all that -- but eh. They themselves, however, are tops. And they mostly seem to have been able to avoid crushing dronedom, which is a relief; it was kind of getting the better of them for a while. But all is, I think, pretty well with 'em, and gradually getting better. So giant grateful yays on that one. I leave tonight. I'll be in the city tomorrow morning. I can't say a damn thing about it yet, 'cause it ain't happened yet, so I'm just sort of sitting here, gently buzzing. It'll do. _
respond? (5)
03:01:26 PM, Friday 6 August 2004

Leaving Montana. Been here for a year and a half. It's been lovely. It's enough. My parents are sad. My cat's been all nice to me since yesterday. Figure I better quit while I'm ahead. But I'll blog a lot. I'm not sad. I'm massively jacked. My heart has been hornpiping its little ventricles off for months now. And here I am, bugging out. A city. Finally. Yes.

23 Skidoo! _
respond? (1)
07:28:51 AM, Thursday 5 August 2004

Can't find my Lorca.
Mountain of sweat socks (nephew's).
Bare walls. Gewgaws. Mess. _
04:15:04 AM, Thursday 5 August 2004

I think there's something wrong with me. My brain keeps telling me that this is currently the single most enticingly erotic picture to be found anywhere on the internet. _
respond? (5)
01:08:13 AM, Thursday 5 August 2004

Great Performances was on, and the Berlin Philharmonic was playing a Brahms piano concerto. Neither me or my mom knew what it was; she guessed Rachmaninov, I guessed Liszt. But my dad stood right by and swore up and down that it was Beethoven's 5th piano concerto. He even hummed along, but it was total discord. He's so deaf, he was hearing the entire Beethoven concerto in his head while the Brahms thundered away. It's sort of sad and scary and strange, but pretty interesting. Even after he heard the announcer say it was the Brahms, he kept saying, "Well, he was obviously influenced by Beethoven. This had to have been Brahms's tribute to Beethoven. It's so similar to the 5th." And humming that theme over and over. I can't say whether it was or not, 'cause I certainly don't know the 5th as well as he does, and I only caught the last minute and a half of this one. But I didn't hear that particular theme anywhere. How much did he hear of what was really there, and how much of it did his mind extrapolate from? How could he have heard any part of the melody without realizing that it was nothing like what he was humming? Ears are funny things. _
respond? (1)
12:10:31 AM, Thursday 5 August 2004

{peculiar unnameable sensation} _
respond? (1)
05:18:22 PM, Wednesday 4 August 2004

Summer Reading Goal Update

Sunday July 18 to Sunday July 25:

Hours of Television: 0
Books: 0

Monday July 26 to Present:

Hours of Television: 0
Books: 0

I been busy, awright? :`D _
respond? (5)
04:27:10 PM, Wednesday 4 August 2004

She's leaving this morning, but I'll see her on Saturday. She doesn't let me invoke divinity 'cause of hubris. Damn, though -- this was precisely what was needed, and a blissful thing on top of it. _
11:31:12 AM, Wednesday 4 August 2004

O.o.C.Q.o.t.D.: "Well, bless you for resisting the siren song of anachronistic cheese." _
02:43:14 PM, Tuesday 3 August 2004

My brother William is getting married today. It is a great good thing. _
respond? (7)
04:30:07 PM, Saturday 31 July 2004

O.o.C.Q.o.t.D: "Nothing says Romance like 'Internal bladder must stretch out.'" _
respond? (4)
06:46:54 PM, Friday 30 July 2004

O.o.C.Q.o.t.D: "That's what I do in bars to pull the chicks -- 'Hey baby, you wanna see my theremin impression?'" _
respond? (3)
08:49:58 PM, Thursday 29 July 2004

It's my girl's birthday today. I hereby lavish her with adulation in a public forum.

{lavish lavish} _
respond? (7)
01:46:16 PM, Thursday 29 July 2004

Oh, and I got my tickets yesterday. Thanks to a beloved but anonymous benefactress, I'm going to be flying, not Greyhounding. I take the bus to Seattle on Thursday the 5th, spend the night and most of Friday at my brother's new house which I haven't seen yet but am greatly looking forward to, woo, and then leave on the red-eye that night, to arrive in the City at 7:00am Saturday the 7th. Crazy, innit? And kickass. _
respond? (2)
09:58:37 AM, Wednesday 28 July 2004

I'm at my desk, but my bed is warm. This is some sort of perfection. _
09:55:55 AM, Wednesday 28 July 2004

K. and I have been having an unconscionably good time, and I am happy to the point of dementia. I doubt that I can say any more about it without boring y'all to tears, but... oh oh oh. Life is a marvel.

Yesterday, we had an extremely diverting time skimming through the scents at the Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab. Dunno if y'all have come across it; I'm horribly behind on blt. But if not, go go go! It's so twisted and gothy and wonderful. We wound up getting a set of six sample imps each.


Old Venice
Jolly Roger
Black Forest


Titus Andronicus
The Hermit
Old Glasgow

Can't wait 'til they arrive. Meanwhile, more good food and thunderstorms and tromping and singing rounds and godawful puns and... every damn thing else. See you guys again on my last day in Missoula or when I've finally plunked down in New York, depending on when I decide to leave. _
respond? (4)
02:41:15 PM, Monday 26 July 2004

O.o.C.Q.o.S.D.A.: "Republicans of Unusual Gayness? I don't believe they exist." _
respond? (4)
12:07:38 PM, Friday 23 July 2004

O.o.C.Q.o.t.D: "You're a better geek than I am, Gunga Dork." _
12:49:46 AM, Friday 23 July 2004

No words. None. _
respond? (1)
01:57:07 AM, Monday 19 July 2004

Mirabai Knight

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