Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

For dinner tonight there was gnocchi and crayfish! And putanesca and kalamata olives and anchovies and little shrimps and parmigiano reggiano and capers and frozen yogurt with roasted coconut! _
respond? (6)
10:03:40 PM, Saturday 13 April 2002

T.I.A.I.L.W.: The Red Queen. _
03:01:47 PM, Saturday 13 April 2002

You're Mirabai!

Finches! You're Mirabai Knight, probably the coolest-named blogledyte of the bunch! You enjoy sleeping for incredible stretches of time on couches at 8 Maryland Avenue and taking long baths during droughts. Your blog is eclectic and cryptic, but you're the most religious of the bunch, and you love talking about music. You'd talk about music a lot more if you thought you could get away with it.

Oi, Which Blogledyte Are You?
11:15:40 AM, Saturday 13 April 2002

Things I hate: Ego. Envy. Schadenfreude. _
respond? (1)
03:27:27 AM, Saturday 13 April 2002

French opera gives me the ughs. _
respond? (2)
02:53:52 AM, Saturday 13 April 2002

Wuzza opposite of "prolix"? _
respond? (2)
02:48:10 AM, Saturday 13 April 2002

Caedere Elephantem vigilans i' mea pajamante
Numquam quod factum nocte-toga capio. _
02:25:19 AM, Saturday 13 April 2002

A febbie who lives on the boys' floor of my dorm is missing. Search and Rescue hammered on all the doors on campus from 3:00am to 6:00am. His parents are here, and so are some news crews, and a guy just walked in wearing a gun through his belt loop. _
respond? (13)
04:26:21 PM, Friday 12 April 2002

Another odd coincidence. In math class a few weeks ago, we were talking about Euclid and space and things, and Adrian Bowles for no reason that I could see decided to put his hypothetical Euclidean space in Missoula. So we had a conversation about points and lines and circles and things, but all of them were in Missoula. Then just now I was reading an article on Nerve -- an interview with some hipster gentleman -- and he said, "Yes! The title of my manuscript is Great Demon Kings and Jane Bowle's P*ssy. [laughs] I don't know how that's gonna make it in Missoula, but I want the p*ssy in there." Now what is it with Bowleses and Missoula? Do we get Sally Bowles too? (yes please) Has Missoula become some sort of shorthand for a certain frame of mind? Hum.
respond? (6)
01:53:16 PM, Friday 12 April 2002

You harbinge doom. You, yes, you. You heard me. You harbinge doom. _
respond? (9)
02:05:41 AM, Friday 12 April 2002

"We have believed that in such and such a year the god appeared in the humble form of a servant, lived and taught among us, and then died" -- From the only book Tim Sparkman has ever burned _
12:12:35 AM, Friday 12 April 2002

Now this is sort of interesting. I was searching for chicks who listed 'Opera' in their Yahoo profiles because, um. Well, anyway, I was, and you know those fake profiles that want to lure you into porn sites and things, right? Well, the first hit was obviously one of those; "a000000000cindy 19, f, single girl with naughty pics!" Right. Not terribly hard to avoid. But the next two were: a_hot_nursing_student and a_luscious_librarian. Now, if you go to those profiles you can tell they're fake as all hell, but the particular brand of fake they are interests me. Nursing students I can see, maybe, but *librarians* are suddenly expected to be the ones suckering in lonely Yahoo profile skimmers? And why "Opera", damnit?! It just ain't right. Now, if by some freakish chance it's not a fake profile... I think I'm even more unnerved. Odd things lurk in the spaces swept nought but by rogue search engines. _
respond? (4)
09:40:15 PM, Thursday 11 April 2002

Finches in Powder!
Finches in Chowder!
Finches in Trousers!
Finches in Plaster!
Finches Alastor!
Finches in Fragments!
Finches in Quagmires!
Finches in Treacle!
Finches Unspeakable! _
respond? (14)
08:58:54 PM, Wednesday 10 April 2002

I am: a musical snuffbox.

What are you? _
respond? (23)
07:13:55 PM, Wednesday 10 April 2002

T.I.A.I.L.W.: Russians. _
respond? (2)
07:02:20 PM, Wednesday 10 April 2002

...and we have Spider Tonic roaring round the big wheel, if you know what I mean. And that's Teuton Forget-Me-Not, red, seventeen... _
04:27:16 PM, Wednesday 10 April 2002

Did you gone-through-the-Johnny-gauntlet types ever notice a laxity in the latest part of Senior year? Feet on the tables, first names and cussing in class, shambling in twenty minutes late, hopping up and down for softball games and class-outside, reading novels instead of attending to the conversation, decorating Schroedinger with sour blue corn syrup in tubes...? _
respond? (10)
03:01:39 PM, Wednesday 10 April 2002

Awright, y'all.

Enough of this jiggery-pokery.

respond? (9)
11:22:24 PM, Tuesday 9 April 2002

Back, two, step and close.
Back, two, step and close.
Tilt and down, two,
Tilt and down, two,
Step and close.
Step and twirl, twirl, twirl, twirl,
Step and close.
Rock and light...bulb...step, step,
Step and close.
Promenade, two, three, four,
Step and close.
Bow. _
respond? (3)
11:15:17 PM, Tuesday 9 April 2002

All my life, I've never been allergic to anything. Well, except sometimes lavender-scented bath salts didn't agree with me, and I've felt a tickly itch or two sometimes at the back of my throat after eating those fake cholesterol-free dyed-yellow egg things. But now I'm sniffling a bit, and I don't feel sick. Everyone says the first spring you're in the New Mexico desert doesn't do anything to you, but stay for one more spring and you're doomed. I hope I'm not doomed. All my spit-of-health brag points are falling away from me. I can't say I've never had a cavity anymore, 'cause I've had eleven, all in one go. I can't say I've got a stomach of vulcanized rubber anymore, 'cause if I'm on a merry-go-round that goes too fast my face turns a little green. And now I can't even say I'm not allergic to anything? Spite! _
respond? (1)
03:04:33 PM, Tuesday 9 April 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum