Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

A glorious day! While we learned how to resuscitate plastic torsos in the Senior Common Room, the Santa Fe Symphony played Beethoven in the Great Hall. Damn, it was nice. And there was eggplant for lunch. And we saw a very silly video full of stock footage, yokels, and dumb science fiction apings. And Charlotte Latham smacked me on the ass for trying to splint her leg with a fireplace poker. And now I can save y'all's lives! Sweet Marjoram! _
06:42:56 PM, Saturday 23 February 2002

{yawrn} _
10:42:08 AM, Saturday 23 February 2002

Y'know, I think maybe it's just that kind of week. I'll have a little ring-o-ring-o-rosie with these girls. See how long I can link 'em, eh? So the first one's easy (they're all pretty easy, in more ways than one, heh heh). Here are Romaine Brooks and Natalie Barney together. I know, it's dreadfully predictable, but what can I say -- it's a fetish. And you do have to think, why scramble after acorns when you can sit in the salt flats, y'know? So. I'm not a stereotype; I'm just drawn that way. T.I.A.I.L.W.: Romaine Brooks. _
04:37:12 AM, Saturday 23 February 2002

04:21:53 AM, Saturday 23 February 2002

A passel of freshmen came by asking me to buy them alchohol. I was flattered, and would have been delighted to, but I'm twenty. Damnit. Helpless cute freshmen are less pleasure-provoking in the face of one's starkest impotence. Why underage? Wherefore minor? When that I am but some one moonshine or so lag of a drinker. Now gods, stand up for juveniles! Fut. I'll just try and finish damn Haddocks' Eyes and Handlebut, and fall asleep, and learn how to breathe the breath of life into people's weasons tomorrow. _
01:18:42 AM, Saturday 23 February 2002

There is a website named, and it's smutty, and it's classy. These sorts of things make you glad you're awake. So what if I can't reach the top shelf? It's dusty up there anyway. _
07:25:22 PM, Friday 22 February 2002

T.I.A.I.L.W.: Natalie Barney (or Valerie Seymour; take yer pick) -- because of a dream I had last night, and because of the previous post. Coraggio! _
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02:38:10 PM, Friday 22 February 2002

V jvyy arire fyrrc jvgu n Wbuaal jbzna. {favss} Vg'f gur bayl ernfba V rira pnzr gb guvf fpubby, gb trg jvgu gur fzneg obbxvfu fghqyl byq-snfuvbarq Wbuaal tveyf, naq abj gurer'f bayl guerr zbaguf yrsg naq V'ir arire qbar vg, naq V arire jvyy. Vg *nva'g* snve. Ab fve. Lbh gubhtug guvf jnf tbaan or bar bs gubfr Natfgyvpu ebg13 cbfgf, qvqa'g lbh? Jryy vg vf, qnzavg. Gung'f znlor zl frpbaq ovttrfg erterg nobhg yrnivat guvf cynpr, evtug nsgre abg gheavat va n tbbq fravbe rffnl naq orsber abg qbvat zl Ncbyybavhf ubzrjbex. Uhzcu. _
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03:21:11 AM, Friday 22 February 2002

"Slavery is America's french fry."

"Wow, Lincoln just spanked the ass out of Steven Douglas. I wish we had a president these days who could write that... or even read it..."

-- Tim Sparkman _
12:13:06 AM, Friday 22 February 2002

"WBC's 'God Hates America' rally at the Univ. of Montana in Missoula this morning (Oct. 15) was a roaring success, exposing that school as a cesspool of filthy, lawless, degenerate vermin, touting perversion!" Oh, goody. (Amusing, obnoxious PDF file... well, it would be more amusing if some bastards hadn't burned down a female couple and infant child's house in my home town a few weeks ago...God almighty.) But maybe going to the U. of M. won't be so bad after all, eh? "The Logos below stand for aggressive fags recruiting your kids!" Yeah! I always knew the Logos was on my side! Rule! And he even quotes de Tocqueville. Lovely. _
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06:26:31 PM, Thursday 21 February 2002

My oral is on Thursday, March 7th, at 1:15 pm _
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06:00:02 PM, Thursday 21 February 2002

Look at Franz Xaver Messerschmidt's heads. _
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05:55:25 PM, Thursday 21 February 2002

T.I.A.I.L.W.: Smaragda Berg. (That's the cleverness of the thing -- you can't tell whether the "T" is "Today" or "Tomorrow"; it might be prescience confident enough to speak in the present tense, ah-ha!) I can't find a picture of her, which irks, though apparently a man named Richard Gerstl painted one. If any of you can find it, I'd be much impressed. _
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12:32:03 PM, Thursday 21 February 2002

The music I had stuck in my head when I fell asleep is the same music I had stuck in my head when I woke up. I haven't even listened to it in two months. It's good music, though... but I can't remember the words. My dad sent me a DVD of Mafia movies, but it got sent to College of Santa Fe instead of St. John's, so Sara called me up and I told her to open it 'cause I was curious. It's got... heh heh... bubble wrap. I'll watch it maybe next week. This Saturday I'm taking a CPR/First Aid class! Or did I mention that awready? Anyhow, I am. I remember in middle school, my brother decided that me and my nephew should both take that class, and so he signed us up for it, but in the week or two before it was scheduled, he gave us both a quarter and said if there was an emergency to call someone instead of trying to help ourselves. Then, once we were certified, we wouldn't need the quarter anymore. I kept the quarter under my watchband, because I didn't have pockets. In gym class, we were supposed to run races. I started running, but the quarter fell out and went spinning across the gym floor. I ran after it, because I didn't like the idea of losing my brother's emergency quarter. The other kids thought I was a git for it, but. Pah. Not as if running races is anything useful. I don't think this story has a point, after all, but it's what comes up in my mind.

Dentist. Thank you. Invitations. FAFSA. ??? I forgot the last one. Call the doctor's office, maybe? I don't think I'm going again today... got to read my seminar reading. Bad Mimbly. Ach. _
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12:06:20 PM, Thursday 21 February 2002

But here comes another verse that's worse than the other verse, so walz me around again, Willie...

storytellers was luverly tonight. Pam's friend read _The Eleventh Hour_... you remember that book, ma? The one me and William and Daniel stayed up until the wee hours trying to piece out... never did, though. And Pam read the chapter about the Grey Havens from _The Return of the King_, and Ariadne read a short bit of Sappho, and Jack read some very amusing thing about witches by Terry Pratchett. And _The Eleventh Hour_ had a cat in it, dressed as Cleopatra, so I had to read two poems about Mehitabel, of course. Toujours gai! _
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03:01:52 AM, Thursday 21 February 2002

T.I.A.I.L.W.: Camille Claudel, 'cause she's mad, French, and sculpterly. And I don't know a damn thing about her. Oh, and I got that special kinda sympathy for the jutted-aside species of the lovelorn. Y'know. Heh. _
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01:31:47 AM, Thursday 21 February 2002

Oh, and Mr. Fasanaro used to have a Kinkajou named Buddy. _
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07:22:18 PM, Wednesday 20 February 2002

"Why don't you do something with your life?" -- Peter Boyce to me, reading goth dyke trombonist webjournals on the internet...

Oh yeah? Oh yeah?! Dangle *this* participle, cheesebreath! _
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07:15:40 PM, Wednesday 20 February 2002

I am unable to draw an egg. But, while I was in the entertaining act of failing utterly to draw an egg, Mr. LeCuyre told us about a contest they used to have... I'd heard of it vaguely before... I think it's gone under different names, like the H Anhr contest and the Sophrosune contest, and eventually just turned into the sophistry contest. Anyway, before that, there was apparently one version with a swimsuit competition and a talent competition. So this one guy, forget his name, wore a bikini and got very good marks. For the talent part, he borrowed Mr. LeCuyre's motorcycle, set up a little ramp in the dining hall, gunned up the engine, and rocketed over 13 copies of the Critique of Pure Reason, landing gracefully on the other side. That's what I call a bad-ass mofo of Johnny, yo. _
06:47:14 PM, Wednesday 20 February 2002

T.I.A.I.L.W.: Madame Blavatsky. She's a loon, but she's a *fine* loon, and that make all the difference. _
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02:12:28 AM, Wednesday 20 February 2002

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bloglet script by Moss Collum