a stupid thoughtless Somewhat
(a.k.a. Erika's Bloglet)

Demo recordings from the RCA Electronic Music Synthesizer, 1955. I highly recommend track 6, and also Nola. The voice parts are also good just for the sheer wonderment that the speaker has and expects his audience to have over synthesized music. _
09:38:50 AM, Thursday 14 August 2008


I helped my friend Alberta set up a blog, After Many a Summer. She's posted some good creative non-fiction, check it out. She is of the generation that is confident in its use of semicolons, which I certainly am not. _
12:45:41 PM, Tuesday 12 August 2008


I have not abandoned fractals, I have just turned to audio fractals. I'm afraid I may have to take back everything I ever said about John Cage. Random music is fun. _
respond? (2)
10:26:12 PM, Tuesday 5 August 2008


10:19:42 PM, Tuesday 5 August 2008


10:19:26 PM, Tuesday 5 August 2008


... and back to the real world. _
10:18:46 PM, Tuesday 5 August 2008



1 is white, and round.  1 is elusive and mystical. 
2 is yellow and bouncy and eager to please. 
3 is dark green.  It has a slightly sour personality, but very balanced.
4 is bright red, curious and childlike. Among the single digit numbers I identify most with 4.
5 is blue, and solid and dependable.  5 may be an engineer.
6 is of uncertain color, possibly a dull yellow or light orange.  6 knits afghans.
7 is green, has an evil eye, and would never admit to being a goth.
8 is sky blue, has its head in the clouds, and tumbles. 
9 is black, and has fascist tendencies.

Tim has different ideas.  For instance, he thinks 4 is blue, which is totally wrong.  I'm curious what others think. Do numbers have definite colors and personalities?  What number are you? _
respond? (10)
10:25:23 AM, Monday 4 August 2008


I'm not always sure about Kandinsky, but this is damn cool. _
respond? (1)
12:40:01 PM, Friday 1 August 2008


patchwork sierpinsky
patchwork sierpinsky
Hand-drawn initial lines give the Sierpinsky carpet a crafty feel. _
10:48:00 PM, Monday 28 July 2008


ace bandage
ace bandage
10:35:30 PM, Monday 28 July 2008


10:11:28 PM, Monday 28 July 2008


09:49:58 PM, Monday 28 July 2008


I need to stop playing with this thing long enough to update it. It badly needs better UI, better handling of deeper recursions, export of source data as well as pictures, better colors, etc.

It's odd, it was more interesting than I expected at first, because looking at things like the Koch curve or the Sierpinsky carpet, which are the obvious sorts of fractals to make with this software, one would think that fractals made in this manner will be comprehensible things-made-of-things, in the way these fractals are. It turns out that you actually need to put work into making a fractal comprehensible. Most fractals turn into hairballs-- but soft and fuzzy and strange hairballs with bizzare little curlicues. They're more sort of Mandelbrot-set-ish than I would have expected. The Mandelbrot set takes sort of the inverse of this process-- calculating a recursive function for each point, rather than sending points on their merry recursive way around the canvas. I feel I should stop and think more about this, but then it is easier to go click click click and see what happens. _
07:54:48 PM, Monday 28 July 2008


09:38:37 PM, Friday 25 July 2008


blue lightning
blue lightning
09:38:05 PM, Friday 25 July 2008


fuzzy boxes
fuzzy boxes
09:37:08 PM, Wednesday 23 July 2008


09:36:57 PM, Wednesday 23 July 2008


09:33:49 PM, Wednesday 23 July 2008


aztec fish
aztec fish
09:33:31 PM, Wednesday 23 July 2008


Not quite one of these: www.flickr.com/photos/flowerville/2674293632/
...but it's my best shot. This one started with a circle and seven repeat lines. _
respond? (1)
09:27:34 PM, Wednesday 23 July 2008


10:24:30 PM, Tuesday 22 July 2008


07:19:02 PM, Tuesday 22 July 2008


floor plan
floor plan
It's very hard to predict what will happen next. _
11:13:05 PM, Monday 21 July 2008


fuzzy crawly
fuzzy crawly
09:47:45 PM, Monday 21 July 2008


totoro leaning
totoro leaning
Totoro drawing by Tim. _
09:47:12 PM, Monday 21 July 2008


wooly wheels
wooly wheels
This was created using Fractal Sketchpad, a program I just wrote. It lets you draw whatever you like and turn it into a fractal by specifying where it should repeat. This was just one line with two control lines. Still quite beta, so let me know of any quirks. _
09:36:25 PM, Monday 21 July 2008


On my way to and from work today I decided to take as many pictures as possible. Which turned out to be not that many, considering time and warmth and embarassment (there are only so many pictures of sidewalk cracks one can take without fearing that one may be considered eccentric). Still I got a few. This was the only decent flower picture:

though I did continue my series on the rose bush under the bridge, which is now overrun by queen anne's lace.

It is easy to get depressed at the dull urban landscape on the second half of my walk, and the mural of wildlife on the subway station really only makes it worse. The railroad bridge does have some nice trim though:

Each day when I leave my office I am greeted by a mysterious penguin. On my way over a footbridge I am reassured that truth is beauty. I wonder where that leaves the penguin. Complete set here. _
07:19:18 PM, Friday 18 July 2008


(Slightly earlier this morning) _
07:58:57 AM, Thursday 17 July 2008


Dawn has very different light than dusk, for reasons I don't fully understand. _
07:56:33 AM, Thursday 17 July 2008


cool interactive animation thingys _
07:57:53 PM, Wednesday 16 July 2008


freshly captured rabbit soul
freshly captured rabbit soul
06:49:24 PM, Tuesday 15 July 2008


04:53:42 PM, Tuesday 15 July 2008


respond? (1)
04:49:47 PM, Tuesday 15 July 2008


There's a certain bit of my walk home from work that I always think has better clouds than other bits, but is on a very busy street. I feel self-conscious photographing there, and I thought it was silly to think there were better clouds there than elsewhere on my walk. But reviewing a bunch of cloud pictures I've taken there and elsewhere over the past few days, I think it's true, there are better clouds there. _
06:40:54 PM, Friday 11 July 2008


Dream: I am walking through the wilderness in Texas. I am with a large party, maybe 100 people. Texas is a gigantic glacier full of swirling snow and treacherous cracks in the ice. Far ahead of me I see cracks opening up over water and people falling in. I decide it is too risky to try to save them, and give the terrible order to turn back. My heart is heavy, and I feel guilty for leading people into this disaster-- but Texas was supposed to be sunny and warm, as Texas should be. What went wrong? _
07:23:18 PM, Monday 7 July 2008


08:13:34 AM, Monday 7 July 2008


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