Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

Everything's printed up, everything's filled in, everything's in a neat little manila envelope sitting here on the left hand of glory. Just waiting to intercept the girl as she exits her Greek class, and then this pissant little mofo gonna be out of my sight for good.

Boo to the ya to the sis-boom-bah. _
respond? (1)
12:20:39 PM, Friday 1 April 2005

The dog stole my electric floss machine! I went to go start the breathing treatment, and when I came back he was lying on his bed with it nestled between his paws, looking as smug as you damn well please. I got it back without a struggle, but its case (which was still lying where I'd left it) was all chewed to hell. Little finchface. Sneh. _
respond? (3)
07:49:40 AM, Friday 1 April 2005

It's done! It's 10 pages! I'm pretty damn proud of it! It could probably use a deal of word-tweaking, but I just don't have it in me; a quick little bibliography, and off it goes, statement of purpose soon to follow. Damn, yo. Rawr. _
respond? (1)
07:19:24 AM, Friday 1 April 2005

Today I learned that Bronze Age Minoans, my girlfriend's longtime archaeological darlings, ATE CHILDREN. I admit to being somewhat unnerved. Also, she just got some awesome-ass exciting news re: same, but I don't know that it's mine to tell, so pester her if you want to hear about it. _
respond? (4)
06:23:59 AM, Friday 1 April 2005

On page eight. Almost there. Almost there. _
03:55:47 AM, Friday 1 April 2005

Strindberg and Helium? _
01:01:19 AM, Friday 1 April 2005

respond? (3)
12:37:38 AM, Friday 1 April 2005

Ok. I'm a quarter done. I'm a quarter done. Five hours 'til morning. I can get somewhere. I have time. _
respond? (10)
02:36:41 AM, Thursday 31 March 2005

Bad things about the day:

* Paper nowhere near done (Don't even ask. Ugh.)
* Very little sleep (Had to stay up so the guy could come plaster over the moldy drippy ceiling)
* Dubliners not yet read

Good things about the day:

* Recommendation got sent out from Fe Fedex this afternoon
* My Gadgetpants arrived! The smallest I could get was a 30 inseam, and I grow short, I grow short / I shall the bottoms of my Gadgetpants contort -- but they're bloody luverly all the same.
* The girl is letting me come down to write my paper with her there. She's got one too, so it'll be all cozy. Also miserable, tedious, and agonizing. But cozy.

Things ain't so bad, on balance. _
05:19:54 PM, Wednesday 30 March 2005

What's it gonna take?! _
12:36:10 PM, Wednesday 30 March 2005

If you put me in a room with nothing but a sheet of homework and a pile of toenail clippings and say you'll let me out after I finish the homework, I'll discover something vitally important about the toenail clippings that I absolutely have to attend to post haste and which will contrive to keep me urgently occupied until I starve to death. _
respond? (6)
09:43:14 AM, Wednesday 30 March 2005

For future reference: The True Chronicle Historie of King Leir. _
06:47:07 AM, Wednesday 30 March 2005

I've spent nearly the whole night on two paragraphs. This... is not so good. Eep. _
06:11:26 AM, Wednesday 30 March 2005

I know I really shouldn't be, but I've started peeking (just for a minute or two) into my blog entries while I was writing my essay, and in one of the comments I found a useful summary of the play, which, I think, deserves pride of place in the new revision of the paper:

"A guy gets his eyes gouged out, then the guy who does the gouging gets stabbed and dies, and then his wife stabs the guy who stabbed him, and then there's another guy who gets stabbed and dies, and the guy who killed him goes and kills his own brother, but first he tells his dad some good news and his dad's heart explodes and he dies, and the wife gets poisoned by her sister and dies, and then her sister stabs herself and dies, and then her other sister gets hanged, and her dad kills the guy who hanged her, and then he dies. And then his servant dies, for no particular reason. And then it's over. Wheee!" _
03:59:31 AM, Wednesday 30 March 2005

Out, vile jelly! _
03:29:20 AM, Wednesday 30 March 2005

Damnit, Colin Powell speaks Yiddish and I don't. It's not fair. _
respond? (6)
12:39:50 AM, Wednesday 30 March 2005

There is totally a Latin rap version of "Minnie the Moocher" playing really really loudly outside my window. _
respond? (9)
01:05:55 PM, Tuesday 29 March 2005

It's been a rough night, and I'm tired. I've been working, though, god help me. I'm behind schedule, but I think there's still time. I did some work in the library this morning, went to K.'s place and worked some more in the afternoon, slept about three hours, watched a little of the play, and then came here. I haven't had much uninterrupted free time, but I've been pretty good with what I've had, I think. I watched a little more (it's the one with Olivier, John Hurt, and Diana Rigg) and I'm starting to organize my thoughts into a detailed outline. I've got about 3900 words of relevant rough draft copy, which is on the high end of what I need, but if I can cut out a bit more chaff, reword the awkward bits, and then thread it all together as an argument (versus a "meditation", as my professor charitably called the original), I'll be ok. _
05:19:49 AM, Tuesday 29 March 2005

Play any NES game on your browser. My tiny little mind has officially gone kablooey. _
respond? (1)
01:43:47 AM, Tuesday 29 March 2005

Almost too easy.

  • By:
    • Fire
    • Water
    • Ordeal
      • (High)
    • Trial
      • (Common)
    • Decay
      • (Very Slow)
    • Barbituate
    • Something
      • (Blunt)
    • Avalanche
    • Powder
    • Assent
      • (Brave)
    • Accident
    • His:
      • Command
        • (Lady's)
      • Hand
        • (Own)
  • In:
    • Sunshine
    • Night Time
    • Your:
      • Month of:
        • May
          • (Merry)
          • (Merry)
    • These:
      • Realms of:
        • Love
    • Solitude
    • This:
      • Mirror
    • Chains
      • (Mortal)
    • Power
  • For:
    • His:
      • Greed
      • Hunger

  • Shall I say is calling?
respond? (3)
02:14:41 AM, Monday 28 March 2005

Mirabai Knight

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