Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

Hell is dark
Hell is deep
Hell is full of mice. _
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03:28:42 AM, Thursday 6 January 2005

Well, that's two resolutions blown. _
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03:40:03 PM, Wednesday 5 January 2005

Plastic around your painted face The fruit is ripe for penetration


Distress in your eye turns to concern and then your body shivers


Wow. Can I just say how inexpressibly relieved I am to see on their tattoo page that, despite the name, none of the band appear to have duplicated my idea? Thank you, Mithras. {shudder} _
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12:11:12 PM, Wednesday 5 January 2005

I think this is one of the more useful epigrams to have memorized in certain circles. _
11:53:27 AM, Wednesday 5 January 2005

Also, I'm not allowed to sleep, and it's not right outside her door, but when I lay me down and curl up on the kitchen floor to wait out the night, I feel just like Mr. Flay. _
11:43:17 AM, Wednesday 5 January 2005

And I work
and I sleep
and I piss around on the internet
and I hang out with my girl (thank god)


Aaand I work
and I sleep
and I piss around on the internet
and I hang out with my girl (thank god)


Aaaaaand I work
and I -- Snzzzzzzzz... _
11:36:00 AM, Wednesday 5 January 2005

I can't decide whether this is tempting or insulting. _
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10:53:51 AM, Wednesday 5 January 2005

Oh my god! Oh my god! "Sacher torts" totally almost rhymes with "boxer shorts". Oh my god. _
10:07:11 PM, Monday 3 January 2005

My favorite movement of a Mozart piano concerto on TV right now! TV rocks! _
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09:14:31 PM, Monday 3 January 2005

I dreamed of slitting my abdomen open and removing the the long damp lengths of red felt I found inside, all very calm and painless. "Does everybody have to set aside time to do this sort of thing," I wondered, "or am I overlooking an easier, more efficient way to get this stuff out of here?" _
07:57:46 PM, Monday 3 January 2005

Just had a short and enigmatic phone interview with a very small classical music PR company. No idea what will come of it.

Boy, am I glad I have eustachian tubes.

I really wish I could blog about my job and my employer, but I don't think it would be ethical. It's too bad, 'cause I have plenty to say about it all.

I met K.'s whole family last night (some of them I knew already, of course, but this was the entire ruddy lot.) It was great, too -- every one of 'em knows how to turn an anecdote like billy-o (ha!) and they're all genial and teasing and raucous in a way that felt really damn gemutlich. Makes me miss my own droogs and relations, but I feel so good living here -- both my feet flat under me.

New Year's was bliss. Virgin pomegranate margarita and brie-burger and chocolate so bitter your tongue furls up. Three-person dictionary game with eye-buggingly convergent definitioning. Kickass company. The requisite midnight how's-your-father. And I slept! In my girl's bed! For two days running! Lord, I gotta do me some more of that. _
11:01:35 AM, Monday 3 January 2005

Hypnagogic phrase of the day: "Do this twice more 'til they're sharp, naturally-accelerated 'mystery cakes'". _
04:58:34 PM, Thursday 30 December 2004

One more night of work and then TWO! DAYS! OFF! And then possibly thirteen more days again. But possibly only six. Who knows? It's not in my mind. I get to boogie into the New Year with my girl in my arms. _
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08:17:04 AM, Thursday 30 December 2004

At work, ripping blogswap CDs. Boss is sleeping. Life is good. _
04:20:52 AM, Thursday 30 December 2004

Categorical Imperative-flavored Pez! _
02:30:54 AM, Thursday 30 December 2004

She sat on the bed and we talked for a long time, and I told her about my family and our country house, and slowly became aware that she was staring at me, and something in her regard made me falter and fall silent... the last word I said, grotesquely unsuitable, was 'lepers', I remember: I had been describing how my mother knew about a leper colony somewhere near London. Lana smiled oddly at me, and said softly 'Go on -- Lepers --' and then slowly leaned across and kissed me on the mouth. -- Valentine Ackland _
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09:58:14 AM, Wednesday 29 December 2004

In 1986, Russia printed a very pretty stamp of the most toxic mushroom known to man. Um... guarded approval? _
01:55:55 AM, Wednesday 29 December 2004

Early Resolutions

* Study for the GRE at least twice a week 'til I gotta take it in mid-February.
* Do my communist pot-belly workout three times a week. Or go swimming. Or take really long walks.
* Get out to the library more, now that I don't got the bookstore to feed my reading.
* Use the phrase "like billy-o" at least 22% more often.
* Cultivate old and new acquaintances. (God, I suck at this. And not out of shyness or indifference or any moral error. I just slack on finding time.)
* Either sleep or get up and do stuff. No more tossing and/or turning like a tosspot (and/or turnpot).
* Stop being a mealy-mouthed hypocrite.
* Be less self-absorbed and more compassionate.
* Work hard at school for the first time in my goddamn life.
* Eat more cheese.
* Play more music. I haven't been in any kind of group since Towson, and I miss it like daggers in the belly. Gotta find people. Gotta play.
* Look into getting a job that ain't graveyards.
* Write my girl a non-doggerel sestina.
* Spend less time on the #*$& internet. _
respond? (8)
09:11:53 PM, Tuesday 28 December 2004

Cornelius tries to put the smooth on Chickenhead Mary with a pickup line from John Donne

Everybody take one shot _
respond? (2)
10:00:09 AM, Tuesday 28 December 2004

He that has and a little tiny wit
With hey, ho, the wind and the rain
Must make content with his fortunes fit,
For the rain it raineth every day.
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04:45:35 PM, Thursday 23 December 2004

Mirabai Knight

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