Bloglet, the gentleman's mock turtle soup --
Moss made it sweeter than myrrh ash and dhoup

No working computer in the house until tomorrow. I weep. _
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05:51:17 PM, Sunday 29 February 2004

I sing to the cat at work. I sing, "Musha ring dumma doo dumma da, wack fol the daddy-o, wack fol the daddy-o, there's whiskey in the Yarrow." 'Cause her name's Yarrow, see. I always thought that Yarrow, the plant, rhymed with "arrow", but everyone pronounces her name to rhyme with "borrow", so. So that's her song. But now I'm feeling sad because I don't have a song to sing to my own cat. Not that he gives me the time of day anyhow... still. My dad does some thing about "Mitya at the corner" or something, but I don't know if that's an actual song or if he's just making it up. Either way, there's not much to go off of. Hm. _
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12:40:54 AM, Sunday 29 February 2004

Looking up dirty words in the sign language dictionary is even more fun than in the regular kind. _
09:13:59 AM, Saturday 28 February 2004

I've been trying to sound the moral compass of my mom's old laser printer. It had no problem with the "I don't want to be Elfstar anymore!" panel from a certain well-known Chick tract, so clearly it's an upstanding bit of machinery with the interests of our nation's young people at heart, but, I'm glad to say, it also printed out a photograph of my father as a child surrounded by Italian nuns without a qualm -- so it hasn't fallen into any traps of anti-Papist prejudice. In fact, it even went so far as to print, with, I felt, an air of gentle indulgence, a snapshot of the bottle of absinthe that sent my aunt and grandmother off into a delirious three-day spree in Casablanca many years ago. So it's not even averse to a little harmless Bohemianism, in its place. But the second I try printing one of a series of absolutely up-and-up, high-minded, proper, but, shall we say... aesthetically vivid... photographs of a staunchly clean-living person of my acquaintance, it chokes midway down the torso, gives me a line or two of gibberish, and then starts spitting out blank pages in infinite succession until I cancel the job, shut down the printer, and give the PC a full reboot. Then, after a few minutes of quiet contemplation, it'll sometimes be able to see its way through printing the thing, and won't balk at anything else I give it after that -- until I try another one from the series. Then it'll seize up, moan abjectly, and go all to pieces again. You know, now that I think of it, maybe it isn't so much a censorious impulse as it is a concupiscent one. I think if I had to slather my ink over all those ardent pixels, I might go into some sort of paralytic stupor myself. Hm. Well, all is forgiven, printer. I know just how you feel. _
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07:01:32 PM, Thursday 26 February 2004

So it looks like "Developmentally Delayed" is starting to edge out "Developmentally Disabled" in the euphemism race. Men I approve, because it's one fewer syllable (and as you can see from my pretentious-ass quasi-Greek construction I'm all about saving syllables these days), but de I disapprove, because it seems watered-down and innacurate. I guess it still beats "retarded", just because "delayed" is a humbler way of saying the same thing, and is slightly more euphonious, but... like everyone else, I twitch at the constant rollover. You say one thing for a couple years, and then all of a sudden it's offensive, so you switch, and it switches, and -- I mean, I know this is hardly an original kvetch, and it's one that allows for plenty of truly offensive insidiousness to sneak in around the corner, but it's still a valid one, y'know? Touched, simple, crippled, lame, halt, retarded, moronic, idiotic, special... at least those are all one word. I guess two-word phrases are harder to turn into playground taunts. But they feel so awkward coming out of my mouth. _
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11:18:06 AM, Thursday 26 February 2004

Two Oliver Sacks references in as many minutes. What is Comedy Central coming to? _
09:35:55 AM, Thursday 26 February 2004

I can't stand it. I can't stand it. So freaking blissed out right now. Mmmmph! _
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12:25:44 AM, Thursday 26 February 2004

Moira posted her five favorite Shakespeare plays a while back on her livejournal. I just watched the fluffy PBS Shakespeare thing with my mom, so I asked her and my dad what theirs were and figured I might as well post mine, while it's in the air and all. List, list, O list...

1. King Lear
2. Hamlet
3. Twelfth Night
4. Titus Andronicus
5. The Merchant of Venice _
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10:21:05 PM, Wednesday 25 February 2004

Untrammeled paradisicality. _
10:03:54 AM, Wednesday 25 February 2004

Idiom of the day: "Dead to rights". _
09:50:59 AM, Wednesday 25 February 2004

Our car is like a cow with saggy dugs. The seatbelt gets slammed in the door every morning, and I wince a little in sympathy. _
09:50:27 AM, Wednesday 25 February 2004

More of the same. Sore of the maim. The theme is quest. _
07:30:52 PM, Tuesday 24 February 2004

Harmony. _
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01:03:40 AM, Tuesday 24 February 2004

"Oh, it was wonderful! We had ice cream every night. Creme brulee ice cream, from those guys... you know... who are they? Who make the ice cream?"

"Ben and Jerry?"

"No, the other ones."

"Umm... Haagen-Dazs?"

"Yeah!" _
10:07:14 PM, Monday 23 February 2004

The vernacular "mischevious" is just a portmanteau of "mischievous" and "devious". So there. _
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01:46:22 PM, Monday 23 February 2004

I'm full of Tibetan food. Happy Losar! I was chased by a bubblegum monster and defended by the awesome Tenzin. _
11:29:34 PM, Sunday 22 February 2004

A while back, my brother told me, "I think it was good that you had the internet during your adolescence. It let you interact with people whose first impression of you wasn't based on your physical appearance. You were a happier kid than you might have been otherwise."

I wasn't sure if that was true, at first, but now I've thought about it a little, and I think he may be right. _
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05:02:23 PM, Sunday 22 February 2004

Giddy glee. In spite of all the previous. There seems to be a lot of it going around lately. _
04:34:18 PM, Sunday 22 February 2004

Man, I don't know why my bloggage has dried up. I guess lately it's been the random epigram kinda blog, and those things don't come to you too often. And I keep getting longwinded essays floating around my head, but I try to quell them as much as I can (doesn't always work), 'cause that kinda thing gets pretty tedious, especially one after the other after the other. Personally, I quite like day-to-day blogs, just detailing moods and events. But my mood's always the same, these days, or nearly, and my events could be cut-and-pasted (slept, walked, worked, talked, ate, played gameboy, read, slept. Repeat.) So... hm. I'm getting kinda antsy with this mode of life, I gotta admit, comfortable and easy as it is. I've got nothing to complain about, except that GODDAMN television at work (die die die die die die), but... I dunno. I'm kinda feeling like a lump. I'm taking lots of things into my brain, but they're all at a distance -- out of books, or over the net, or just imaginary. This is gonna sound dippy, but the times I've felt most present in my skin, lately, are when I've been touching people; showering or dressing or feeding my clients, assaulting the cat, messing up my dad's hair, kewpie style... well, it's not like I'm unhappy, by any means. Way-ass the contrary. Just fidgety. I want to embark on some Great and Noble Endeavor, but I gotta wait for my squire to get his underpants on first. _
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02:11:18 PM, Sunday 22 February 2004

Headless chickens don't make good pets.
Up with pets! Down with chickens!
The rooster was disqualified from the contest, but the brilliantly-groomed mouse poodle won Best in Show.
Chickens are NOT allowed to play Ring-Around-The-Rosie! _
respond? (6)
02:01:59 PM, Sunday 22 February 2004

Mirabai Knight

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